Chapter 5. Tim Cappello concert part 2

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Sweat and an overheated atmosphere appeared later during the night on the boardwalk.

As teens, young adults, adults, and some elderly people were dancing to the beat of the music and like there was no tomorrow.

Yeah, even though the performer Tim Cappello has his shirt off exposing his over sun kissed tan with half washboard abs and toned abs, aka a six pack specifically.

"Let's go over there!" Star yelled as Kayla and I were in the middle section dancing lightly and not too extreme to the point of having sweat glisten down our perfectly different shaped bodies.

"To where?!" I asked yelling over the music and loud extra conversations.

"There!" Star smiled devilishly as she pointed to a half single plat form that had some people standing on it dancing and nodding their heads to the bass and beat of the song.

Before I can even respond I was pulled by my wrist by Kayla as she knew what Star was doing as Star was....let's say animalistic when it comes to people and crowded atmosphere.

"Hold on-" I whispered shouted to the two running ahead in front of me.

"Come on, lazy pants!" Kayla shouted amused at my sudden change in attitude.

I then was stopped and pulled by my two of my arms as Kayla and Star gave each other mischive glances and then dashed away leaving me confused as they went somewhere else.

"Leave it to them to ruin my night." I mumbled underneath my breath looking around trying to spot anything from color of their clothing pieces to their hair color to their hairstyle to anything out of the blue.

"Great job. I might as well be lost." I went even further to face planting my head into the palm of my hand.

I then shook my head and decided to enjoy the rest of the night without my annoying ditching friends and I then started dancing almost smoothly yet seductively to the trumpet of the performers band.

Allowing my flowy dress to swoosh around hugging my body and pressing up against my bare naked chest that is a flat chest but lifted upwards not too high.

Three minutes later

I looked down as I continued swaying my hips dancing to the song in a soft tempered way as I flipped my hair over the front of my head and fluffed it a bit and then reluctantly my hand dropped in front of my body as I slowly looked up through my eyelashes.

I then caught the attention of the brandy bloodsucking bunch : David, Paul, Dwayne, and Marko and I slowly but cautiously looked to my right a bit and immediately my heart stopped at the moment that the mysterious stranger who dropped me off last night as I was on the run from David and them.

'He looks hot tonight...but not hotter than the guys at my school,' I thought first as I gazed for a few milliseconds and then unexpectedly I glanced back at the bunch of bloodsuckers still intensely staring at me and my soul,'They could be looking for Star and not technically straight at me,' I thought second in a dramatic descriptionive way as I looked down and then regained my composure and looked up at Tim singing his heart out while sexually playing his trusted trumpet.

"COME ON, LET'S GO!!!" I hear someone say lowly and angrily from behind me as they tugged on my arm harmfully.

I couldn't see behind me really quickly as I was dragged off of the platform and was being dragged somewhere else.

"GET OFF OF ME, RYAN!!!" I yelled pulling my arm insightfully, angrily, and frastrautedly as I quickly turned away as my eyes adjusted in the dark and saw my longtime highschool ex who is a surf nazi.

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