Reconnecting ❤️

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David remains motionless, not knowing what to say looking at the door, until he breaks the silence.
David: oh my god ...
Jen who is in front of him, smiles at him who smiles too.
Jen: scared?
David: I would say I'm surprised ... Are you going to stay there at the door? Please come in.
Jen enters and David closes the door.
David: how nice to see you, it's been a while since the last time.
Jen, who has her back to David, looks at him, goes to him and hugs him tightly, closing her eyes without saying anything, because that hug has already spoken for her.
David: I missed you too, Jen.
Jen: why didn't you call me?
David takes a deep breath as he and Jen leave the hug and look at each other.
David: I can't even say why, something stopped me, but I don't know what it was, I wanted to, but I couldn't.
Jen: of course ... I saw about your new film, I was very happy for you! You deserve it, you have a lot of talent and you know it.
David takes Jen's hand.
David: stop praising me as soon as I believe. I am very happy with this work, it will be great, just find an actress to do the other role to start filming.
Jen: I only speak the truth !!! And soon they will find the actress, I am sure and I am sorry for coming so late.
David: Don't be sorry, I'm glad you're here!
He says while still holding Jen's hand that he smiles and David walks inside and comes back with a bottle of white wine and two glasses. Jen is sitting on the couch. David hands Jen one of the glasses, opens the bottle of wine, serves Jen, his glass too and sits on the couch with her.
After drinking the whole bottle of wine, laughing and talking about the past, they were silent for a few moments.
Jen: I think I better go, it's too late and I'm going to let you rest.
She places the cup on the table and when she gets near the door David takes her hand and pulls Jen close to him and they keep their faces very close.
Jen: David, please ...
David: Does it bother you to be so close to me like that?
Jen is silent.
David: What is your fear?
Jen: I better go ...
David: Jennifer, please, I need to know what you want, what you feel !! I've been waiting for you for years, but you run away from me. Whenever we meet, that's it and everyone realizes it. I can't live like this anymore !!!! Tell me something, please.
David says with tears falling from his eyes.
Jen still says nothing and she wipes his tears.
David: Even if it's a no, that you say you don't want anything to do with me, so I can leave you alone, just take this doubt away from me, because it's killing me inside, I ...
Jen: We'll talk tomorrow!!!
Without letting David say anything, she kisses him on the cheek and leaves.
Jen is already back at her house, getting ready for bed and thinking about the meeting she just had with David. She lies on her bed and can't stop thinking about everything David said to her.
"I need to solve this at once !!!" Jen says to herself and sleeps.

Early in the morning, Jen wakes up with her phone ringing, she turns the other way and the phone keeps ringing and she half asleep answers without even seeing who it is.
Jen: Yes?
Who is on the phone is the director of the film that David will star in.
Director: Jennifer? Good morning how are you?
Jen: Who's talking?
Director: My name is Peter, I'm a director and I'm calling you because I would like to talk to you about a character, do you have a space on your agenda?
Jen: really? When?
Peter: When you can !!!
Jen looks at her schedule on her Ipad and today her day is free.
Jen: Could it be today at 9:00 am?
Peter: Perfect! We will be waiting for you.
Jen: Okay, see you later.
Jen gets up, takes a shower, makes a breakfast smoothie and prepares to meet Peter and his team. She doesn't even know that he is the director of the film that David will star in.
Meanwhile, David can't stop thinking about Jen, he barely slept that night, woke up several times. He can't understand what happens, because Jen doesn't give him an answer. David takes out his phone and sends a message to Jen.
“Good morning Jen, how are you? I hope you have a great day 😘 ”
Jen receives the message, but was unable to respond because she was at the business meeting. She receives the outline of the character and begins to read about it and smiles while reading, because she fell in love with the story of that woman.
Jen: What a beautiful and strong story! Unlike all the characters I've played in my entire career! No need to look any further, they have already found the actress for this character, she is now mine !!!
Peter: What a joy Jennifer, it will be an honor to have an amazing actress like you with us! Now we have everything we need, we lacked the actress, but now there is more!
Jen: Who's going to be my partner? It is important for me to know this, to know him, to know more about him ...
Peter: I don't think it will be necessary, you already know him, you've worked together before !!!
When Peter says this, Jen is more excited.
Peter: Didn't you see the news yesterday? About the movie? About your partner? It came out everywhere.
Jen remembers the news about David and has mixed feelings, she will be with David within a set again after so many years.
Jen: Yes, I read it, but I didn't care about each other !! It will be a great adventure, I'm sure !!
Jen signs the contract, then gets up, says goodbye to everyone and returns to her home.
When Jen gets home, she pulls out her cell phone and looks at David's message. They are going back to the set together, the last time was 17 years ago and Jen doesn't know how to explain what she is feeling, but she responds.
“Good morning David, I'm fine! Can we talk today? Will you be busy? "
David sees the notification and responds.
“I'm never busy for you! 7pm? "
Jen smiles and replies: “I'll be there!!! 😘❤️ ”
Hours later, Jen is already at David's door and knocks, he opens it.
Jen: Hey ...
David: Hey ...
They hug each other tightly and Jen enters.
Jen: How are you?
David: I don't know ...
Jen: what?
David: They called me today, saying that you agreed to play the character in the movie, is that why you came here?
Jen: It wasn't just for that, I came here to see you !!!! What do you think? That I don't care about you? If it bothers you for accepting this character, I give up on her, no problem!
David: We are professional enough to handle this !!! The contract was signed, everyone already knows and we are going to make this film!
Jen: So, what's the problem?
David: Do you think it's easy to love someone your whole life, to see that person get married twice? Being close and not being able to touch, kiss, hug, say you love?
David says all this with pain in his heart and tears in his eyes, Jen looks at him and also cries, she was not prepared to hear all of this, but she needed to hear it, she didn't imagine it hurt David so much.
Jen: I never meant to hurt you, I would never do that, but forgive me for all these years ... I didn't know this pain was so great.
Jen looks down and tears fall from her eyes and David approaches, holds her chin and raises her head, and wipes her tears.
David: No, please don't ask me for forgiveness, you have every right to get on with your life and I support your happiness more than anyone in this world, I just want to understand why you push me away when I try to be closer to you?
Jen: For fear David, fear !!! It was not easy for me either, so many years have passed and I did everything to continue my life, to try to forget you and what I feel for you, but I can't, for more attempts that I have made, I can't !
David: Fear? Fear of what?
Jen: Of going wrong again, I'm tired of always going wrong David.
David: Hey, look at me !!! You didn't do anything wrong, you got it right, you loved it and you were happy and that's what matters! I shouldn't have talked about it!
Jen smiles at David and caresses her face.
Jen: It was a conversation that we had to have a long time ago !!! It's no use wanting to deceive me, wanting to lie to me, David, I love you, I love you !!! I can't do this to you and me anymore, it was always you and it will always be you!
David: I love you too, always, I will love you all my life!
Jen: Me too!
Jen and David smile at each other, touch their foreheads and kiss passionately.

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