Chapter 5

105 2 1

8 years later


Maxon's P.O.V.

"Anna, darling!" Kriss asked

"Yes mother?" Anna asked, putting down her fork and finishing her mouthful

"You and your brother are a bit behind in your music." Kriss said

I nodded

"Butler! After breakfast bring Princess Anna and Prince Andrew the options for music tutors." Kriss said

"Yes Your Majesty." He bowed and hurried away

I smiled. 

Anna was 7. She was quiet but fiery and curious at the same time. Andrew was 4, he was quiet and shy.

Anna's P.O.V.

"Father? Is everything ok? You're awfully quiet." I said

"I'm fine, darling. Just thinking." He answered, smiling at me

I smiled back.

"Andrew stop picking at your food." Mother scolded

"Mother I'm done." I announced

"Very well. Go to the playroom and someone will bring your options. And for god's sake to Andrew with you." Mother sighed

I kissed her cheek and hurried away with Andrew.

"Here you go Princess." A butler said, handing me 5 files

I flipped through the files, Andrew peeking over my shoulder.

"Allison Koa?" I asked

She was a women with dark, curly hair and a straight face.

"Too strict." Andrew complained

Down to 4.

"Andrew Macal?" I asked

"Yes!" Andrew giggled

A man with a goofy smile and baggy clothes was on that.

"No. Too goofy." I sighed

"How about America Singer?" I asked

A women, no more than 30 at least, with fiery red hair and icy blue eyes and a warm smile.

"Yes!" Andrew yelled

"Sure!" I smiled

"Lady Brice!" I called

"Yes Your Highness?" She bowed

"We'd like Lady America Singer." I said

I saw Lady Brice try to hide her amusement.

"What?" I demanded

"Nothing." She said, regaining her composure. "We'll get her here right away." Lady Brice bowed again

"Good." I sighed


America's P.O.V.

"I don't know." I sighed

"That is an order Lady America. Princess Anna and Prince Andrew have ordered it." The butler said

"But I haven't packed!" I exclaimed

"Everything you need is at the castle."He said

"Fine. But I'm not staying forever." I grumbled

"You will stay for as long as Her Highness and His Highness needs you." The butler said curtly

"Go, love." Lucas urged me

"Ok. I'll see you soon honey." I sighed, pecking his lips then hopping into the car


"Princess Anna. Prince Andrew. Lady America is here." Someone said

"Coming!" Someone sang

Two children, by the look of it 7 and 4 rounded the corner, two maids trailing it

"Your highness's." I curtsied

"Lady America." Anna smiled warmly

"Hi!" Andrew giggled, running straight into my arms

The maids gasped.

"Sorry. Sorry." I set him down

Anna glared at the maids

"You are excused." She said crisply

They hurried away.

"Well I must go get your lessons ready." I said, hurrying towards my room

"We'll see you tomorrow!" Anna called

I kept going. I turned a corner and there were Maxon and Kriss in a big make-out session

I coughed.

Maxon and Kriss stumbled back.

My cheeks burned

"America?!" The both yelled

"Hi." I said weakly

"What are you doing here?" Maxon demanded

"Um,'Princess Anna and Prince Andrew have ordered it'" I said

"You're the new music tutor?" Maxon said, running his hands through his hair

"Yes. Nevermind. I'm going." I stuttered

"No. Stay. Anna know's what she wants. She'll fire you if she has too." Maxon said

Kriss was still staring in shock.

"Hi Kriss." I waved weakly

"Your Majesy to you." She sniffed, pulling Maxon upstairs

They both disappeared without a second glance. 

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