Day 1: Travel

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The sea breeze was somewhat calming to Maki as she and Kaede stood out on the deck. The whole of their class taking a class trip to another country, using the large ferry as a means of transport. Maki wasn't sure why, but she somewhat enjoyed travelling on the sea. It was just waking up to see the open ocean and nothing else, made her morning feel calm, especially if the day was nice and calm. The night sky had come around, making the air colder than it was before. The sea was fully calm, making the journey more smooth. The sky was clear, showing all the stars that it had to offer. The full moon was large and illuminated the darkened parts of the ship. There weren't that many people on the deck, only small groups of people or some couples enjoying the night sky.

"So, Maki?" Kaede suddenly spoke up, breaking the peaceful silence that they had for a while.

"Yes?" Maki asked, trying not to sound irritated from the silence being interrupted. She was starting to enjoy it, she had to admit. With all the chaos that happened whilst getting on the boat, Maki felt like she needed the silence for a while.

"What's going on with you and Kaito?" Kaede asked, a knowing smile graving her face.

"What?! Do you wanna die?!" Maki exclaimed, her face turning as red as her shirt. She never told anyone, but she started to like Kaito as more than a friend. He helped her to be more open and like herself more. She wanted to tell him her true feelings, but there was no way he felt the same. He's more in love with the stars than anything else.

"Your crush on him is too obvious!" Kaede laughed, jokingly pointing at Maki.

"I don't have a crush on that star obsessed idiot!" Maki shouted, trying her best to keep denying the truth. She suddenly smiled slyly. "And what about you and Shuichi?"

"What?! Hey! Don't turn this on me!" Kaede yelled, as it was now her face turning red. Now it was Maki's turn to laugh at her friend's expense. So long as Kaede gets off of her back about her boy troubles for now. If Kaito truly didn't love her, at least she'll settle to have him as a friend. Besides, she's the Ultimate Assassin, she shouldn't be too close to someone anyway.

"Sorry, Maki, but I'm going to turn in. I'm suddenly getting tired." Kaede suddenly yawned. Maki watched her carefully, suddenly feeling suspicious about her friend's actions. However, it was quite late, so Kaede might be telling the truth about being tired.

"Goodnight then." Maki sighed, clearly wanting to stay out a little bit longer. She needed to be alone before she goes to sleep.

"Have fun daydreaming about Kaito." Kaede grinned before she started running away.

"Kaede!" Maki yelled after her, but the Ultimate Pianist was already back inside, just avoiding the assassin's wrath. Maki took a deep breath, trying to suppress the red in her face. She turned her attention back to the sea around her. She felt at peace again as she looked out at it. The scene was just so calming to her again as she breathed in the salty air. Something her that it was going to calm seas in the morning. Now that Kaede wasn't teasing her, Maki can just enjoy the evening all by herself.

Or so she thought...

"Hey Maki Roll!"

Maki suddenly went stiff for a split second. She turned around, spotting Kaito walking up to her with a big smile. What was he doing here? Last time she checked, Kaito was in the cabin that he was sharing with Shuichi. The cabin that was next to hers and Kaede's. Oh no...Kaede didn't-

"Kaede said that you wanted to see me. What's up?" Kaito smiled, approaching Maki carelessly. Maki immediately turned her attention back to the black waves below her. 'Kaede! Damn it! Do you wanna die?!' She silently cursed. Why did Kaede set her up like this?! She'll have to plot a revenge somehow. Kaito thankfully didn't catch on that she was irritated. Instead, he got distracted by the stars as soon as he saw them. Typical Kaito. He suddenly started droning on all about space and the stars. Maki lost all attention to that. Instead she suddenly started looking up at Kaito without meaning to. She just found him charming. Just how his eyes lit up like a child when he gets excited about space and how warm his smile was. It was strange how he acted like a complete idiot at times, but he was pretty smart when it came to the subject of space. It only made her love him even more.

"Hey, Maki Roll? Are you okay? You seemed to be staring off into space." Kaito suddenly asked, noticing that Maki was staring at him. Maki felt her cheeks go red hot again. What the hell was she doing?! She must look like such as idiot.

"Idiot! I'm fine! Just...cold..." she shouted, suddenly losing her voice. That was a terrible lie. She wasn't that cold, but she needed to make it look like she wasn't acting like a love sick kid. Hopefully Kaito was stupid enough to not notice the lie.

"Well, why didn't you say so? I wouldn't be a man if I let a lady such as yourself freeze." Kaito smiled warmly, stripping off his jacket. Before Maki could protest or even register what was going on, Kaito wrapped his jacket around her. "Feel better?" It took a second before Maki wrapped the article of clothing around her tighter. She suddenly felt warm, both from the warmth that Kaito's jacket offered her, and from her embarrassment.

"Y-yes. Thanks." Maki muttered, doing her best to focus more on the sea than at her own beating heart. Kaito laughed heartedly. His arm snaked around her shoulders as he pulled Maki closer to him. Maki felt her face go even redder, but she somehow found herself relaxing in Kaito's hold. She doesn't admit it, but she loved being held like this by Kaito. It made her feel safe and warm.

Maybe she'll tell him her feelings soon. Maybe...

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