Day 6: Flower Language

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Kaito and Maki aren't together, but they are roommates.

Anything in italics are something that had been written.

Maki closed her textbook with a heavy sigh. She had been reading it for a few hours and her eyes were starting to feel strained at that moment. She leaned back on the couch, taking in everything around her. She smelled the soothing scent of a candle she had lit, but she also smelled a small trace of smoke as the candle had burnt itself out a while ago now. A cup of tea was on the coffee table in front of her, but it had gone stone cold since Maki was more focused on studying.

As Maki closed her eyes, she tried to listen out for her roommate, Kaito Momota. He was normally bugging her about studying too much, and being a loud, obnoxious idiot, but strangely enough, he left her alone. Maybe he was studying himself? As much as Kaito acts like an idiot half the time, he was serious about his studies. That's one of the things that Maki liked about him in a way. Secretly, Maki liked a lot of things about him. She couldn't tell him though. The idiot cares more about space than anything or anyone else. At least they can be friends though, right?

A knock on the door snapped Maki out of her thoughts. She waited to see if Kaito would answer for her, but he must have his headphones on. She made her way to the door and peeped through the peephole. There wasn't anyone standing there. Maki opened the door, wondering if it was some kid pranking her. She thought that she heard someone running to the stairs in the apartment building. However, before she could give chase, she spotted something at her feet. It was an iris. And tied to the stem was a small piece of paper. Maki gently picked it up, and looked at the paper. She read the neat handwriting scrawled on it.

I have a message for you...

Maki raised an eyebrow at the note. A message? She didn't quite recognise the handwriting. It was quite neat looking. Maki looked down, spotting more irises on the floor, making a trail along the halls. They were going in the opposite direction as to where she heard the footsteps going. They must not have wanted o get caught this soon. After grabbing her key into the apartment, just in case it was a prank, she followed them, picking up the flowers as she went. They were all at least five footsteps apart. The corridor of the apartment building were dimmed down since it was now quite late. Some of the other apartments had their lights turned off, but a couple were still on, a dim light shining from under the door. No one seemed to still be in the corridor, leaving the flowers in good condition. Maki was still collecting the irises until she suddenly found herself picking up a lily. Just like with the first iris, the lily had a note tied to the stem.

...I think that you are more beautiful than the universe itself...

Maki found herself blushing a little. So this person is a secret admirer? Maki tried not to think about it too much. She never saw herself as being someone beautiful. She never really cared that much about how she looks. So for someone to say that she was is a whole new experience for her. She didn't quite know how to react. She didn't know if she should feel flattered, or creeped out. If this person does something that makes her feel uncomfortable, she'll run right back to the apartment.

So far the flower trail was taking her in the direction towards the lift. The number of flowers was starting to build up in her hand. If this kept up, she'll end up with a full bouquet and have to hold it in both hands. The flowers suddenly switched again to yellow tulips. Maki didn't hesitate in reading the note attached to the stem.

...when I see your smile, it's bright like the sun...

Maki didn't realise it, but she found herself smiling. As stated before, she never saw herself as someone good looking. She didn't know if this guy was being genuine or if they were playing a cruel trick. Something told her that she wasn't being tricked though. This person went so far to make this effort to make all this for her. Someone putting their heart into this had to be genuine.

Shaking off any doubt, Maki kept picking up the flowers. She kept on going until she found herself at the lift. Curious, Maki pressed the button to summon the lift. Immediately, there was a loud ping as the lift doors opened up for her. Maki was a little surprised at how quick the lift was suddenly there. It was like it was waiting for her the entire time. As the doors opened, they revealed a small pile of carefully placed violets. She knelt down, gently sifting through the pile until she found the violet with the note tied to it.

...I'll always be there for you, and, no matter what, I'll never leave you behind...

A promise to always be by her side? Maki never quite realised that she needed someone like that. It sounds nice to have that in her life. Maki looked around the inside of the lift, seeing that a post it note was stuck next to the lift floor buttons. An arrow drawn on it was pointing to the one that would take Maki to the roof. So this is why this guy ran to the stairs, so he could beat her to the roof. He was lucky that she didn't chase right after him, otherwise all of this effort would have gone to waste. Wondering where this was going to go, Maki accepted the invitation. As the lift doors closed, she scooped up the remaining violets. The flowers were carefully bunched together, now looking like they were ready to burst out of the hand Maki held them in. There was a quiet hum as the the lift accented, taking her to the roof. There was a slight movement as the lift slowly came to a stop and a loud ding resonated before the doors opened again. Left in front of the lift, was a trail of pink roses. Maki carefully picked up the first one, making sure to avoid the thorns. Her eyes were also greeted with the note tied to the stem.

...I'll do whatever I can to make you happy...

Maki again smiled at the thought of a person like this in her life. It sounded a bit corny or even childish, but she truly felt like she needed this. She didn't realise how lonely she was. Suddenly feeling more keen, Maki went outside, into the apartment's roof garden, carrying the flowers in both hands now. It was a almost messy bouquet, a mixture of different flowers, but Maki didn't mind it. She actually liked it. The rich scent of flowers filled the air, blown a little bit by the night's breeze. The lights were turned off, but Maki could see a dim light. She stepped closer to it and stood frozen in surprise. Far away from the flowers and plants, a large blanket had been laid out on the ground with candlelit lanterns dotted around it.

Maki was quite taken aback by how this area was set up. This person really wanted to go that far for her? Not all of it made sense as to why, but Maki really wanted to see how this ended. If this guy (or girl) was genuine, then she'll give the relationship a try. But if they were going to be a creep about it, she will just walk away and pretend that it never happened. With that in mind, she approached the blanket, expecting to find the last species of flower waiting there for her. But there wasn't any new flower, no continuation of the message. She looked around, wondering if the flower had been blown off somewhere by mistake. That was when she felt someone walking up to her from behind. Maki turned around and was met face to face with Kaito. She was in so much shock that she almost dropped the flowers that she was holding. Her face involuntarily went a little pink as reality sunk in. The guy that she had been secretly crushing in had feelings for her too? He really did all of this use to tell her all those things she read on the notes? Kaito seemed unfazed by Maki's shock as he held up something in his hand, offering her a red rose. And with a smile on his face, he finally finished the message verbally:

"Because I love you."

Iris: message

Lilly, calla: beauty

Yellow tulip: sunshine in your smile

Violet: loyalty, devotion, faithfulness, modesty

Pink roses: happiness

Red roses: love, I love you

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