Day 4: Illness

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Post 4th Trial

Kaito felt like his throat was burning as he coughed harshly. He had stopped coughing as he rode the elevator back up, but now he started another round of it. Blood splattered his hand and the ground below him. He tried not to focus on that. He was more angry than in pain right now, cursing everything. Damn Monokuma for this game! Damn Miu for trying to kill Kokichi! Damn Kokichi for tricking Gonta into killing Miu! Damn Shuichi for figuring out the truth! Damn this Academy for Gifted Juveniles! Damn this killing game! Damn this illness! Damn everything and everyone to Hell!

Why did this happen?! No one deserves to be put through a game like this. And who would be this twisted enough to create a killing game?!

Kaito was still in the middle of cursing everything under the sun, when he started coughing again. It hurt twice as much this time around. He felt like he had the sickening sensation that he was being suffocated. He felt like the world was collapsing under his feet. His body suddenly feel forwards as he hunched over from his coughing. He couldn't bring himself to regain his balance. He couldn't brace himself as he knew that he'd collide with the ground. He expected to hit the ground hard. However, he was caught off guard when he felt a pair of arms suddenly wrap around him. He groggily looked to see a pair of extremely familiar pair of red eyes looking at him.


Maki ignored the fact that Kaito might be heavier than her as she slung his arm over her shoulders. Supporting Kaito with extreme ease, Maki started walking, basically becoming a human crutch. Kaito tried to tare himself away from her, but he didn't have the strength to. He wanted to show how strong he was, that he wasn't really this weak. However, all the strength that he wished that he had was gone. Maki ignored his stumbling as she easily helped him to the dormitory. She silently sat him down on his bed, his head limply looking at the ground, feeling ashamed. He didn't pay attention to what she was doing as she grabbed fresh night clothes for him to sleep in. It was clear that he wasn't going to attend to training anytime soon. Kaito was ready to shoo Maki out, trying to recover the pride that he had left. However, Maki was already trying to shed off his coat and over shirt.

"Maki Roll, I'm fine." Kaito spoke up, cursing at how weak his voice had sounded. It hurt his pride more as it showed that he was weaker than he wanted Maki to think he was.

"No, you're not." Maki argued, pulling off his over shirt with ease.

"Maki-" Kaito protested, fumbling to try to grab Maki's wrists.

"Would you just-" Maki started to protest herself, annoyed with Kaito's stubbornness.

"I DON'T NEED A NURSE!" Kaito suddenly screamed, standing up abruptly. The volume and force that he put in his voice, shocked Maki instantly, making her eyes go wide in surprise. "I'M NOT SOME WEAK INFANT! SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" The room went deathly silent. The tension was so thick that you cold cut it with a knife. Kaito breathed heavily, still enraged over everything that had happened at this point. However, the anger suddenly faded as he took in the look on Maki's face. She looked surprised, but her face turned to look subdued and tired. She seemed to have backed down from the argument. Kaito wanted to apologise but he could get the words out. It was like he had exhausted himself with his yelling. Feeling ashamed with himself, he grabbed the clothes that Maki gave him and locked himself in the bathroom. He needed to get this blood off of him. And he needs to calm down. Maki didn't seem mad at him for his outburst, but he hoped that she would just leave him be for the night so he can mentally prepare himself for tomorrow. The last thing that he needed was her still seeing how weak he was.


After what felt like an hour, Kaito finally stepped out of the bathroom. His hair was damp and had lost all of its gravity defying features. He felt a little more refreshed after washing all the blood off of him, but at the same time, he still felt weak. He took a few deep breaths, steadying himself to be more upright. He opened the door, expecting Maki to have left. He was quite surprised to find her sitting on the edge of his bed, having the covers pulled back a little. She didn't seem fazed by his earlier outburst. Instead, she just looked calm and patient. How can she look like that after everything that has happened up to this point? Maki got up from where she was sitting and made her way over to him. Kaito braced himself, expecting Maki to slap him for trying to push her away. He wouldn't have minded that. He kinda deserved it after all. Instead, Maki took him by surprise again as she suddenly wrapped her arms around him. Kaito stood stock still as Maki hugged him.

"Why didn't you tell us? About you being this sick?" She asked, holding Kaito tighter. Kaito internally winced as he heard her voice. She sounded so worried about him, the one thing that he didn't want. To hear her speak like that, it felt abnormal. He gently pulled her close to him, stroking her hair slowly. Anything to try to not make her so worried about him.

"Don't worry about me, okay? I'll be fine, I promise." He said as soothingly as he could.

"But-" Maki started to argue, pulling back to look at Kaito.

"I'll be fine. I...I just need to get some sleep is all." He smiled confidently, brushing some hair away from Maki's face. She didn't seem too thrilled with that answer, but she silently gave in, giving Kaito a slight nod. She gently got him into bed and tucked him in. A part of Kaito wanted to protest being treated like a child, but he was too exhausted to protest. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was already closing his eyes as they felt incredibly heavy. Maki stood there, gently stroking his hair back from his face as he breathed evenly. His face looked so peaceful, but Maki could still see the pain that he was trying desperately to hide. Now that she had a better look at him, she started to notice tiny things that showed that he was sick. His skin was off colour and his body was quite tensed up from the pain. As much as she wouldn't admit it out loud, Maki would do anything to take the pain way.

Feeling like she had done enough for the time being, Maki turned a little from the bed. She figured that she should at least get Kaito's clothes cleaned up for tomorrow. Kirumi's Ultimate Lab was still unlocked, so she figured that she could use the laundry room that was in there. That's what she planned that is until she suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind.

"Maki Roll...stay...please..." Kaito's tired voice begged as he gently held Maki a little tighter. Maki felt her cheeks turn a light shade of pink as she looked down at him. It almost reminded her of the young children back at the orphanage with the way that he was acting. Whenever they had a nightmare, they would go to her and she'd hold them until they went back to sleep. Kathryn just wanted comfort, which is what Kaito needed, even if he didn't want to admit it. Carefully, Maki moved out of Kaito's grasp, only to lie down on the bed next to him. Kaito moved closer to her, placing his head on her shoulder. Maki wrapped her arms around him in a comforting hug, once again stroking his damp hair. This action once again seemed to soothe Kaito as he closed his eyes once again, falling into a deep sleep. Subconsciously, his arm looped around Maki, seeming to hold her closer to him. Maki allowed it to happen, still stroking his hair. She smiled tiredly as she watched his even breathing. He looked peaceful all of a sudden, seeming to ignore the pain that he was hiding. Maki didn't know how long she stayed awake for, but as she drifted off to a haunted sleep, she vowed that she would get Kaito out and get him some medical help. She won't allow him to die here, no matter what. That's a promise that she will never break.

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