My sweet little room

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Working on the project with Noah was pretty hard, I thought Samantha and Joey would be the ones always playing around and not paying attention but I was wrong it turns out Noah is also not paying attention and just looking through my stuff and finding things I didn't know were in my room.

"Can we work now I really want a good grade."

"But the project is not due in 3 months Dixie!" Noah said in a very whinny voice.

"Yeah but I really want to get it over with it Noah!" I responded with a very firm tone and a face that only teachers make.

Noah looked at me like I was some kinda weird creature, he raised an eyebrow and continued working on looking through my room.

"Hey Dixie look what I found!" Noah said excitedly. I turned around to see what Noah was so happy to see. And there it was, a picture that was folded and dusty hidden behind my baby pink walls next to my vanity with other old and dusty things. I got out of my bed and walked the same direction as Noah to take a closer look at the picture. As grabbed the old and dusty picture I took a few breaths and let them out in-front of the pictures I take away the dust and see it better. And now I realized why Noah was getting so exited about the picture.

It was a picture my mom had taken when me and Noah were around 13 years old and we went to this park all the way in New York. We decided to take Noah since he wasn't doing anything special over the summer. I would say Charlie was about 6 years old at that time but she loved New York so we decided to go to the park that we were in the picture. The park wasn't a regular park it was a sculpture park, it had huge statues and sculptures that it made my dad seem like an ant.

As we walked though the park we took pictures and played in the grass. We were there the whole afternoon and my mom decided it was best if we ate before it got dark, so my mom and dad went to the hotdog truck near the park and Noah,Charlie and me were supposed to wait there. Charlie was falling asleep so I put her in her stroller and put a blanket on her ( yes when Charlie was little she didn't like walking so we brought her a big stroller for her). The sky was dark orange and it was beautiful me and Noah just laid in the grass waiting for my parents and making jokes. I felt happy that's all I could feel, I was having a good time with my family in a park and my best friend/crush was with me laying in the grass and laughing our hearts out.

I wanted to stay like that forever but soon my mom came with the hotdogs and my dad with some drinks, and we knew it was our cue to wake Charlie up and start eating before it got dark.

Soon after we finished eating we walked to the fireworks show that was going to start at 10:30 pm.
My Dad, Noah and me tried to convince my mom to let us get ice cream and surprisingly it worked!
"This day could not get any better!" I though, and it actually did! We ordered ice creams just in time for the show and met up with mom in the bleachers.

When we sat down the fireworks were beautiful it was so colourful with so many different shapes and the dancers in the stadium doing cool tricks with their partners were so amazing! I'm not gonna lie I was super impressed...well everyone was.. it also had so many lights and balloons were everywhere! And the best part is that the dancers asked all the kids to go to the stadium with them and dance.

At first I didn't wanna go I was nervous too many people were there and I didn't know how to dance either but as my parents encouraged me and Charlie really wanted to go I gave up and went. Noah came too which made me feel relaxed since I felt more safe, but when I got there I completely froze I didn't know why but all the eyes that were looking at the stadium were freaking me out.

My breath felt heavier and heavier every time I saw eyes on me I was so close to crying and leaving when Noah came to me. Noah was dancing with Charlie since she loved dancing with someone so I was alone but when he came I felt more calm.

"Dixie are you ok?"
"No Im not ok Noah!"
"Why what's wrong?" Noah asked me very worriedly. "I feel like everyone is looking at me and I don't like it!".
" Well then wanna dance with me? I'm sure it will make you better!". I hesitated a bit but I thrusted him I knew he wouldn't do anything to make feel worse so I held out my hand and he grabbed it. My hands were sweating so much and I felt my cheeks get redder and redder, and my face was at the point were you could fry an egg in it.

Noah grabbed my hand and started twirling me around I liked felt nice we kept dancing and never let go of our grip to each other's hands. It felt magical like I was in a ball and he chose me to dance with him it was just me and him and no one else, I didn't even care about the other kids or adults looking at us I only cared about him we danced for about 30 magical minutes which I wanted to dance more but we were both tired, but what made things better was that he never let go of my hands until we got to our seats.

"Wow you guys were outstanding!!!" Dixie said exited.
"Yeah you guys were sure made for the dance floor" my dad added.
"Thanks Mr.D'Amelio! Dixie did really good!" Noah said while catching his breath.

It was about 11:30 when we had to leave since my dad and Dixie were getting sleepy but before we went to the hotel my mom stopped me and Noah because she wanted to take a picture for this memory. We took a picture in a big yellow sign that said "best friends" when we went to the wall we held hands but stayed far from each other so the words would show. "If only it said best kid couple in the world" I thought to myself but who am I to say that we are best of friends.

When we got home my mom actually printed the picture for me too keep it and I have! Man what a small little memory, in a small little room, in my small little life.

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