A cold night

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When I saw Alissa after I bumped into her we were both wearing the same swimsuit it was a yellow bikini with a dark mutual purple blue and green stripes. Alissa and me had our mouths open when we saw each other in the same outfit. I was pretty mad I really wanted this swimsuit it was the only one I found perfect for me but I didn't want to have the same outfit as someone who is dating my crush.

"Oh Dixie Hi uhm what are you doing here?" she questioned. I knew Samantha was secretly filming this just in case there was drama and wanted to shot her brother Joey. "Oh I was just picking an outfit for Hawaii yeah I'm going on vacation with Noah and his family!". I was trying to make her jealous by saying that, yeah I know that it a jerky move an all but I just don't like her!

"Oh Dixie your coming too! That nice!". W h a t
I guess my plan backfired I should have known why would they invite me with inviting his own Girlfriend I should have known. "Well uh Alissa who did you came with here?" I could see Samantha was trying to make it less awkward by saying that.

"Oh I'm here alone I don't really have that many friends." Alissa said looking away clearly trying to hold some tears and keep a smile. "Omg Alissa well Dixie wouldn't mind but would you like to join us?" Samantha said feeling pitty for the girl. And as soon as Samantha said that Alissa turned back and lit her face with a huge smile.

"Yes I would love to! Oh and Dixie you can have the swimsuit if you want I don't think it fits on me good." Alissa said as she was moving her stuff next to Samantha. I told her she was fine that she could have it and that it looked gorgeous on her I could see that she was shocked like no one ever told her that before. She decided to buy the swimsuit which it was me left who had to pick one.

Just then Alissa came to and gave me a swimsuit. "Uhh Dixie I saw this swimsuit which I think would look good on you!" the swimsuit was a 2 piece it was white and simple and had little ruffles on the collarbone. It looked pretty I tried it on an it was more beautiful on me better than the bikini so I bought it.

We still had a 2 hours before Noah's parents came so Samantha had a crazy idea. "How about we have a makeover!?" Samantha said. We decided to bring Alissa with us since she looked pretty lonely, "yeah that sound like a good idea!" she replied to Samantha's comment, I wasn't sure if I wanted a makeover I like the way I looked but we are going to Hawaii and maybe I can find a cute boy or something so I agreed.

Samantha and Alissa then pulled me to the hair salon and the unexpected happened I cut my hair. I'm never the person to have short hair but I looked pretty nice I could get used to it, Alissa cut her bangs which looked awesome on her and Samantha curled her hair.

We left the hair salon bought summer outfits an did our hair I actually had fun with Alissa she really isn't that bad. When we checked the clock it was 5:18, "OH GOD Samantha w have to go!" we only have 40 minutes to pack!" we said goodbye to Alissa and we headed running to the car we went to my house I didn't see my mom in the kitchen I guess she was in her room and started packing my stuff putting the new outfits, shoes, hygiene products, and my swimsuit. In my little bag I put my electronics and their chargers along with a makeup bag and my brush. I quickly changed and put on a pink top with some baggy jeans and white vans and headed down stairs just in time!

We got a call from Noah's mom saying she was outside Samantha was the helping me bring the stuff outside when I heard my mom. "Dixie hun have a good vacation! I'll miss you" my mom said I turned around still mad a her and just said "yeah goodbye now." I entered their car waves Samantha goodbye and drove away.

We got into their house as Noah's dad was helping me with my suitcase when Amy noticed my hair. "Oh my you look beautiful Dixie you should cut your hair often when it grows!"
"I'll keep that in mind Mrs. Beck!"

We eneterd their house an said Noah there waiting for his parents to come in, when he saw me he was shocked. "Oh Dixie uh I like you hair! And you decided to come too... Cool" Noah said.

"Oh yeah I did but uhh why are you not surprised I came?" I asked. "Well that's what I was gonna ask you today at school! But then you ran away when the bell hit." *I suck* I thought.

1 hour later

"So uh at what time do we leave tomorrow?" I asked Noah we were both in his room since we finished eating dinner. "Uh well 5 a.m. It's a little early but we try to land in Hawaii around daylight to explore it." Noah said scratching his head. "Uh well ok so uh is Alissa coming?"
"Oh no she is gonna meet us in the airport since she didn't want to bother us by having another guest in my house" he said. "Hmm well ok so I think we should sleep now we need to get up early" I said.

When I said that he noded and went outside to tell his mom she then came with many blankets and a mattress for me. "Why all the blankets Mrs.Beck?" I asked. "Well it get really really cold at night in this house even on summer so just in case you get cold you have some extra blankets!"

Honestly she is so sweet I remember when my mom use to pay that much attention to me and listen to me but well I guess we grow more and we realize parents slowly start to let go of you, but not Mrs.Beck she was awesome.

I went for sleep and I was shivering I woke up at midnight to go to the bathroom but Ig was too cold. " in the end I went fast and when too sleep a few minutes better. And then Noah woke me up to get ready to leave.

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