Chapter 2

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Eren kisses levi and than bites his bottom lip and slips his Tongue in Levi's mouth and cover every part of his mouth then eren and levi fought over Dominance and eren won eren slowly moved his mouth to his Neck leavening Levi's neck untouched levi let's out a loud moan "ahhh eren~"eren pushes levi down on the bed behind them and slowly got on top of him and ripped his shirt off and sucked on his right nipple and w/his left hand rubbed Levi's left nipple levi screamed in pleasure "Ahhhh ngh e-eren~"eren smirks and pulls down his own pants levi looks at erens cock and was shocked eren looks up to see levi starring at his cock and said "don't worry baby u Won't get it now I have to prepare u but for now suck" and points to his cock and levi do as he was told levi licks the tip of erens cock eren grunts and levi takes half of erens cock eren moans and grabs Levi's jet black hair and pulls his head up and down every time eren pulls Levi's head down he gaged and than eren cummed in Levi's mouth and eren whispers in his ear and says "swallow it" and levi does as he was told "I'll be right back I need to get some vibrators" and as eren leaves he smirks. I hope u guys enjoy that cuz I know I did and I'm the one writing this. It'll be more smut In the next chapter

Eren X Levi X Erwin smutWhere stories live. Discover now