Chapter 4

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Then they lifted levi up on Erwin's lap and eren lifted Levi's legs up and they both put their cock inside levi at the same time and thrusted into levi hitting his prostate instantly making levi scream "ahhhh" lucky for them the basement is soundproof or the others would have woken up then they both looked for Levi's spot which makes him scream and than they both found it "mmhmm there p-please hit there mo-more Ahh fuck yes d-daddys"and then they kept hitting that spot and than started to hit his prostate making him a moaning hot mess levi was reaching his limit "I-I'm gonna cu-cum" "did we say u can come"Erwin says "no daddy" levi says "beg us to let u cum and if u don't u will get even more a punishment" eren says as he's pumping Levi's cock putting his thumb over the hole on Levi's cock "Please let- let me cum daddy's please ahh~" "since u gave us a beg"eren said "and Beautiful moans" Erwin said "we'll let u cum" as they both said that eren let go of Levi's cock and cum shot out and levi let out a loud moan "Ahh fu-fuck~" after a few more thrusts they both cummed in levi and slowly pulled out.

Eren X Levi X Erwin smutWhere stories live. Discover now