7: "Forget Her Cheryl"

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I woke up to the sound of chattering the in the hallway. Shit. Someone was on their way into where Minerva and laid naked on my couch wrapped in nothing but a thin red blanket.

Fuck, fuck.

I shook Minerva awake and she sat up wide eyed.

Too late.

"Cheryl dear, we have a visitor" Nana announced as she entered the room.

"Nana, I-I, I'm sorry, we fell asleep down here late last night" I said embarrassed trying to hold my blanket up to keep as much of myself and Minerva covered as possible. My Nana Rose is a pretty amazing woman, I knew she wouldn't of cared, she caught me and Toni doing unspeakable things countless times all those years ago but still, it was still awkward enough and then my face turned bright red when I realised the visitor Nana had told me about wasn't waiting in the hall, they were stood in the door way, catching sight of exactly what was going on in here and it wasn't the postman wanting a signature for a delivery, it wasn't my neighbour wanting to borrow some sugar, it wasn't even Hiram Lodge attempting once again to buy my maple groves, no, it was Toni. I saw a familiar expression flash across her face, there was pain in her eyes as she looked over at me and Minerva, I know there was.

"Oh Cheryl dear, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise you had company, we'll leave you" My Nana expressed.

"I'm sorry" I shouted out to my Nana and Toni but really the apology was more for Toni.

God, how fucking awkward. What was Toni doing here? She literally said she was done with me.

"Well that was..." Minerva began

"Awkard, horrific, incredibly uncomfortable" I said

"I was going to say fun Cheryl, I was talking about last night, not getting caught by your Nana" she laughed

"Oh right... Sorry Min, it was great, really great, but that was just so painfully awkward" I expressed

"Because Toni saw you in the arms of another woman?"

"Well... yes... I-I wonder why she was here, what could she want from me now?"

"Forget her Cheryl, she probably just came to say more harsh words to you. You don't need her toxicity in your life"

"You're right" I sighed

"Cheryl, I'm sorry but I really have to head off, I have business in town, but this was really wonderful, I'll see you soon" and she leant forward and kissed my cheek.

After Minerva left and I had a shower I decided to text Toni.

Me: I'm so sorry about that Toni. I am mortified. What did you need? Are you okay?

Toni Topaz: I'm fine Cheryl, I was just dropping off your "iconic" spider brooch. I found it in my bag, it must of fallen in somehow during the key party. I left it on your hallway table next to the flowers.

Me: Thank you Toni, I appreciate that. Are you sure there wasn't anything else? You seemed to have something on your mind?

Toni Topaz: Nothing at all, I was just shocked to see you and her naked. Together.

Me: Once again, I'm sorry. I really am so embarrassed.

Toni Topaz: It's fine Cheryl, I'm really pleased for you, you deserve to be happy

Me: Are you sure you're not upset with me? You told me you wanted nothing to do with me, I'm just trying to move on

Toni Topaz: I said I'm fine Cheryl, I just wanted to give your brooch back, now that I have I can do what I said the other night and finally leave our relationship in the past. For good.

Wow, ouch, again. I'm going reply telling how how angry she's made me... oh but what's the point? She doesn't want me and I could be happy with Minevra, I really could.

Last night was incredible, the happiest I'd felt in such a long time, I think she could make me feel truly fulfilled. Just as my thoughts were wondering to Minevra and what we did last night my phone buzzed.

Minevra Marble: I had a great time last night Cheryl! Despite being caught by your Nana and your pregnant ex this morning, it was an amazing first date 🤭💘

Cheryl changed "Minevra Marble" to "Min Min💗"

Me: Oh, me too, you have made me smile so much for the first time in so long. I can't wait to see you again, when can I see you? 😍😍

Min Min💗: Someones keen? How about tomorrow night? 😍 😘

Me: Yes!! And I promise, there will be no more interruptions, Nana Rose takes her sleeping pills at 8pm sharp and they knock her out for 12 hours!! And no more couch, we can actually make use of my four poster bed 😉 As for Toni, she won't be gracing us with her presence at Thornhill any more. I pwomise ❤️

Min Min💗: I can't wait to see what you're capable of in an actual bed 🤤

Me: Oh Min Min, you have no idea what I'm capable of 😜

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