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Nicki POV

When night came, Michelle and I snuck out of her room and quietly out the house. Nipsey and Lauren were waiting for us down the block. The second the front door was skillful locked we sprinted to his car, literally jumping into it. Lauren handed us some flashlights as we pulled off to go meet Kelly and Wayne on my block. "Is Kelly for sure coming?"

"I don't know, we couldn't call her. Her dad took her phone away after school and placed her on house arrest."

"He can't still think we had anything to do with Solange can he?"

"I don't know Lo."

"I think he's the stalker, ain't nobody in this world as nice to kids as he is." I left that comment alone. As much as knowing who the stalker is, I know for a fact Kelly or Michelle were going to have their feelings hurt tonight. I can't imagine my father being some pedophile, let alone the person who kidnapped my best friend. What's even more unsettling, both Mr. Rowland and Williams worked Beyoncé's case. "This whole thing just got ten times more complicated."

"You telling us. Nicki if we somehow manage to free Beyoncé and find out the identity of the stalker, who do we go to? What cop is going to believe our word over another cop's?"

"Someone will believe us. We just have to figure out who to trust."

"After this is over I'm going to therapy."

"We all will need to go after this, Nicki needs it more than any of us though." Although that was a joke, Michelle was right, I'm going to seriously need some professional help.

I get nervous whenever a man looks at me too long and start to panic. Whenever I see a little girl talking to a man I'm itching to pick her up and get her to safety. I'm terrified of guns even more now, plus the image of that guy's exploded head still lives inside my mind. Sometimes if I space out, I would replay the event in my head and might even pass out from having a panic attack. If someone stands over me I jump up. All of these problems, I don't expect them to go away any time soon without therapy. I'm legit scared of my own shadow.

Not to mention having to deal with the fact I may be responsible for the disappearance of my best friend. All of this guilt that I'm having from her leaving weighs heavy on me. Beyoncé was my best friend and I did nothing to help her. Instead I served her up to this guy like an offering. She probably hates me and here I am risking life and limb to save her.

I didn't consider it until now, what if she hates me? Understandably so, I mean she did only tell me about this. I was the one reading her the letters and keeping her secrets. Beyoncé was probably so afraid thinking someone will find her soon, yet no one came because I kept her secret.

A part of me was so anger with Beyoncé because she chose him over me. Oh yeah I was jealous, I was like eight going on nine years old and in love with my best friend. Of course I was jealous of her gushing over this boy who she barely even knew. I feel like at that time, I kept her secret because I believed she was happy with Greggory who was supposed to be her crush. Instead of me opening my eyes and seeing the evil that was occurring I allowed my jealousy to take over. Of course she hates me, "Nicki you okay, your crying."

"I'm fine Michelle." I hate how much this is affecting me. We're eight years past that day and yet here I am crying over her once again. I hate how much Beyoncé is the root to my tears and she's not even around. "How far are we?"

"We're here actually, I see Wayne now." Nipsey pulled up next to Wayne and I got out of the car. I just needed a second to collect myself. I'm overwhelmed again, that's probably why I'm crying. "Nicki what's wrong and don't say you're fine. Are you nervous? Scared? What's going on?"

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