ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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Nicki POV

The fever never broke, I've been tied to this bed in pain doing nothing but laying here. I could hardly move, my body feels so weak that blinking takes up most of my energy. What's wrong with me? I've been sick before but never this bad. It worries me that being this sick is turning me submissive. Forcing me to accept his touch.

He comes in every now and again to check on me. Creep has this worrisome expression glued to his face each time. The last time he was in here, the bastard paced back and forward mumbling to himself. Serves him right, he deserves to feel guilt. He did this, if it weren't for his twisted sense of humor I wouldn't be out of commission.

Me being this sick obviously ruins some kind of plan he has for me. He gives off a type of "take charge" vibe, giving me the impression he's a control freak. Every small detail is planned out by him, and me being sick throws off his plans. That makes me happy, knowing I can so easily get underneath his skin without even trying.

However I'm sick of being in this bed, it's time to plan my escape. Creep left minutes ago, I overheard him talking to Beyoncé about getting a doctor. I'm pretty sure his face is plastered on every corner, it's going to take him some time to return.

I muster up enough strength to push my legs over the sick of the bed, biting down on my tongue to stop from screaming out. I broke something, I don't know what but damn this pain. Push through, just push through it. There's no time for this, I coax. That gives me enough strength to pull myself to my feet, I did it!

Now for the next step, for this I'll use the things around me for support. I lean my body against a wall, slowly I move one foot in front the other. Taking my time to limp across the large room, when I got to the door I push it open. Instantly the smell of food smacks me in the face, my stomach starts to growl. I don't even remember the last time I had a meal. Then again how long have I been in this creep's possession.

I know it's been a few days, but the fact I've been unconscious for majority of the time I don't know. Two or three days maybe, it might be four or five. It feels like months, by how my energy is declining, it feels like he's had me here trapped for months. I need to push this thought away, pay attention to the task at hand.

Right now getting out of here is the only thing that matters. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, I'll definitely need Beyoncé's help that's for sure. Speaking of Beyoncé, she's singing. It's more of a hum, I stop for a few seconds to listen. I remember that song, it was a creepy childhood song she would sing to make me scared. I never understood why she likes it so much.

It was a creepy version to a childhood melody, she took a song. Both songs have dark meaning but hers was darker. Beyoncé was a weirdo like that, a person who enjoys horror stories and gore. Not me, I'll stick to adventures, "that song makes you sound like a mad hatter BB." I say as I round the corner, the little girl I heard earlier looks at me with fear, she turns to Beyoncé and relaxes when she sees her smiling. "I can't believe you still sing that."

"Why are you up, you're suppose to be laying down?"

"Mommy who's that?" I almost fall face flat onto the ground. Did she just call Beyoncé mommy? As in that's her mother? "My best friend." Beyoncé answers the little girl so nonchalantly, she is her daughter. Other than her calling Beyoncé mommy, I see the resemblance. The girl has some of the key features of all the Knowles. One being that bright complexion, the other those eyes, lastly Beyoncé's big ears. You can spot those things a mile away, this is definitely my best friend's kid. "Cute kid."

"She is, go back to the bed Nicki. You don't look good." I shake my head, going back to the bed will only continue to make me soft. I can't allow myself to bend to his will, "I'm okay, help me sit down."

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