The Little Accidents 💛Tsukiyama💚

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Requested by Mileenafangirl9202

It has only been a few weeks since Tsukishima had found out about Yamaguchi being a little but has only taken care of him a few times. Everything is still very new to Tsukishima so when it comes to certain things he can forgot about them. Tsukishima also is not 100% sure on what works with calming Yamaguchi down from his fits, he doesn't understand how to care for a child. He was the little brother in family, he never had to care for someone like his big brother did for him. Once Yamaguchi told Tsukishima that he was little Tsukishima went on a searching spree trying to find out how to control his littles temper, how to not make him upset, and the types of things needed to care for him. After a while he found what he felt like the perfect amout of information needed to care for his little. Yamaguchi had told Tsukishima that he didn't have a lot of little gear so Tsukishima took it into his own hands to buy him some stuff.

"Yams where are youuu" Tsukishima said playfully around the house looking for what could be his lovely boyfriend or his energetic little. "Tsuki!" Yamaguchi said running up to his caregiver. "Hey my little freckled bunny, dada went out and got some stuff for you" Tsukishima said bringing the little over to the table where Tsukishima sat Yamaguchi down and brought in the bags from the car. Yamaguchi sat patiently at the table while Tsukishima took everything out of the bag. "Ok so, Yamaguchi, I bought all of this for you to enjoy since I know you didn't have little gear....I hope you like it all" Tsukishima said not really to sure on what to say. Yamaguchi's eyes watered as he was overcome with joyful emotions. "Nonononono baby...don't cry, did I do something wrong? Was it something I said?" Tsukishima said quickly going to his littles side to hug him. "No dada....I-I just so happy....thank ou" Yamaguchi replied back crying a bit.

Yamaguchi had one caregiver before Tsukishima and let's say he wasn't the best. He always had him following strict rules. His caregiver would get mad at him for being little at times even though Yamaguchi couldn't help but be little, his caregiver never bought anything for him so if Yamaguchi wanted something he would have to buy it himself even though he couldn't keep a job due to his uncontrollable slipping at times, he also punished Yamaguchi a lot because of his feelings towards things whether it be sadness, anger, or even depression....that was the reason why Yamaguchi started regressing, he had bad depression due to some of his past relationships with people so he used little space as a way of coping through it all. Tsukishima didn't know much about Yamaguchi's little side so things in little space still confused him, like when Tsukishima had to raise his voice at Yamaguchi for doing things he shouldn't be doing, Yamaguchi would start to freak out and start to cry due to the fact that his last caregiver would hit him when he got mad. Tsukishima assured the little that if he ever made Tsukishima mad, no matter how mad he would get he would never hit him. Yamaguchi was no longer a physical child and he knew how to control himself in a bigger head space, but mentally Yamaguchi as a child could not handle being spanked for doing something bad.

Tsukishima held his little tightly as Yamaguchi thanked him for the things that he bought him. "Dis all me?" Yamaguchi's asked one more time making sure that it was all for him. "Yeah baby, I bought this for you" Tsukishima said again holding the littles hand from across the table. Tsukishima had actually gone back his house and looked through all of his old childhood stuffed animals, he picked out one that he though Yamaguchi would love. "Bub, I need you to take care of this for dada ok? This used to be his when he was a little kid" Tsukishima said handing Yamaguchi a stuffed bunny. Yamaguchi saw the bunny and saw how cute it was "Otay dada! I take care ob dis!" Yamaguchi said hugging the bunny tightly to never let go of it.

After a little longer of looking through all of the things Yamaguchi wanted to put on the clothes that Tsukishima had bought him. Tsukishima gladly picked the boy up and brought the little into the room that they started dedicating Yamaguchi's little stuff to. They had one extra room that they never used so they thought it would be perfect for Yamaguchi. He placed the little on his back so he could easily strip Yamaguchi of his clothes. One thing that Tsukishima had forgotten about was that Yamaguchi sometimes had accidents and that even in the head space of a 4 year old he sometimes could forget about his bathroom needs. Yamaguchi was stubborn when it came to admitting things in little space so it made it hard to get him to tell Tsukishima that he needed to go to the restroom.

Tsukishima dressed Yamaguchi in a dino shirt and some sweatpants that had volleyballs on each side of his hip. "All done my little bunny" Tsukishima said picking the little up, booping his nose, and allowing him to run off in the house. Yamaguchi decided that he was going to go and get one of the new pacifiers that Tsukishima had gotten him. Tsukishima ran after his little finding him with the new pacifier in his mouth. Thankfully Tsukishima had already washed most of the items that he had bought since he knew that Yamaguchi would go after them as soon as he could.

After 30 minutes Yamaguchi had taken a nap with Tsukishima on the couch. Tsukishima was surprisingly tired after today even though not much had happened. It was a lot to look after his little since he was so new to everything. Once the two were awake Yamaguchi asked for the TV to be turned on to watch Paw Patrol. "Can I hab juice? Pease" Yamaguchi asked snuggling up to his stuffed animal that smelled like strawberries. "Sure thing bub, give me a few minutes to go get it" Tsukishima said getting up off the couch as he went to go get a sippy cup.

When he came back with the sippy cup full of juice he had noticed that Yamaguchi was squirming around a tiny bit. "Bubs you ok" Tsukishima asked handing the little his sippy cup. "Yeah, tank ou dada!" The little said starting to drink from the sippy cup as the two sat next to eachother and watched the show, well Yamaguchi did Tsukishima was just scrolling through his phone. After Yamaguchi had watched about an hour and a half of Paw Patrol he started to fall alseep on Tsukishima's shoulder. "Bub you wanna move to the bed?" Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi just moving his head into Tsukishima's shoulder shoulder more. Tsukishima took this as a yes as he picked the little up bringing him into their bedroom, after placing him in the bed and tucking him in with a blanket and pacifier Tsukishima went to finish some work at his desk.

After about 45 minutes whines came from Yamaguchi as he woke up from his nap. "Dada" Yamaguchi said looking up to Tsukishima with tears in his eyes. "Baby what's wrong?" Tsukishima asked turning around in his desk to look at his little. Yamaguchi just pulled the covers over his face as red took over in embarrassment. "Bub what happened?" Tsukishima asked going over to the bed to look at Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi had pulled the covers over his entire body so Tsukishima had to pull them back off of him. Tsukishima pulled the covers back to see his little crying in embarrassment as a big wet spot circled around him. Tsukishima just froze "How the hell did I forget to put him in a damn pull he's embarrassed and probably really upset" Tsukishima thought. Yamaguchi didn't know how to feel while Tsukishima just sat there standing so he just cried harder as he thought he did something bad. Tsukishima brought himself out of thinking and went straight into daddy mode. "Bub don't think what happened is your fault..your just a little baby you can't help it" Tsukishima said not knowing exactly what to do. "I-I sowey daddy" Yamaguchi said rubbing his eyes...Tsukishima picked the little up bringing him to the floor where he placed a towel down to place the little on. "Buddy don't be upset...what happened isn't your fault, it's normal for little kids to wet the bed" Tsukishima said bringing a stuffed animal to Yamaguchi, it was a medium sized bee squishmallow. "Here bub" Tsukishima said handing the little his stuffed was one that got used often since it was soft and if Yamaguchi was upset he could squeeze it without breaking anything. Tsukishima got the sheets off the bed along his and Yamaguchi clothes. Tsukishima made a bottle of warm milk before bringing the little into the bath with him. Yamaguchi laid on Tsukishima's chest as he drank from the bottle calming him down back to his normal happy self. "See baby, I'm not mad at you. Dada needs to readout your needs next time and remember that your still very little at times" Tsukishima said happy he had guessed on whether milk woukd help or not, luckily Tsukishima just found something else to help calm and comfort Yamaguchi while little

Word Count: 1615

So literally it's been like a week since I've posted a chapter but school is ending and I have a few AP tests I have to study for so I'm not sure what updates will lok like for the next month or so. Anyways hope you guys liked this chapter ❤

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