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Name: Ramen

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Name: Ramen

Nickname: Ray

Age: ???

Height: 5'9

Species:  TV head (They/He)

Relationship Status: "Married"
Otherwise a loner

Appearance: Red Tv head, black antennae, black skin/organic material, yellow face, hoodies or Hawaiian shirts, street wear mostly, uses altered hook swords, one of his legs is slightly shorter so he walks with a limp

Personality: doesn't talk a lot, gets the job done and gets out, very apathetic to his targets but adores his partner, responsible, somewhat twisted moral compass

Powers/Inner workings:
-Bounty hunter that uses his internal radio and tracker to find people
-Antenna on his head make it easier to detect sound and change in wind movement
-Their body is organic material and he does have "blood" but he would need to loose all the blood in his body to shut down, he's relentless until totally incapacitated (they don't eat but injects liquids to keep from drying out)
-Steals other tv heads faces when he assassinates them (his default face is his original)
-Physically weaker than average so relies on weapons and outside resources 

Likes: driving (mostly car chases), modifying weapons with useless modifications, surfing the internet, making watches and rings

Dislikes: strong smells that interfere with his receptors, stains on his body/head, someone collecting info on them

Backstory: Created in the Underworld, Ramen was very quickly thrusted into the dark world of bounty hunting. At first he followed blindly, not really understanding what was happening or what else to do. But as time passed he started doing more research on their targets and started choosing which targets to kill and not to with no real consequence. He doesn't know who gives the prompts to target people and creatures alike but he knows they come from the Upper City, so that's where they set out to go.
Then he found a kind of virus that can inhabit any system in Underworld. With a little coaxing he convinced it not to hack him and soon fell hard for the spunky conscious. When they finally picked a body to inhabit they got "married", whatever that means in the Underworld, and stuck together helping each other to hopefully make it out of Underworld alive.

(First draft of their backstory, expect changes)

Fun Fact: he's a part of a flimsy organization in Underworld that tests participants and offer extra rewards for completing bounty and assassination tasks. He's met a lot of interesting characters, especially a dude who carries a sniper rifle everywhere that has a 100% success rate. They're "drinking" buddies


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