Chapter 2

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"AGAIN, UGH"! I yell as I punch my hand through the wall. This wasn't the first time something like this happened, so of course my mother used this spell on me multiple times even though the pain it brought me.

I would come from balling up on the floor in pain to being pissed at myself for allowing this to happen. I was angry that I didn't have the control or the will to stop myself from hurting someone I loved. This was a part of me, but it was something out of my control.

I hated being what I am at moments like these. I never knew when I would snap, and I would suddenly overcome my mother's magic and kill them both. I hoped it didn't happen, but hope didn't seem to be on my side. Maybe because I'm an abomination.

"I'll go get a towel", Nora says, walking off into the hall holding her throat as it was sore, all because of me. Mother looks at me as I get up off the ground and pats me on my shoulder as if it's supposed to be some form of comfort, except it isn't.

There's nothing comforting about trying to kill the only two people who's ever been in your life. The only two people that I love and that loves me. "I'm going to keep hurting you guys if I don't get my power under control. These training lessons we've been taking aren't working for me. I'm just too strong" I said looking up at my mother.

She didn't say anything, only looked down at me as if I'm supposed to learn to do this on my own. She looked at me as if I asked her a question and it's her way of telling me that I know the answer, even when I don't. It felt like she was putting all of this on me, and it was annoying that I was responsible for holding back when this was something I developed.

As she refused to say anything or give any kind of advice, I just rolled my eyes and went to see what was taking Nora so long.

I walked down the hallway and entered the first bathroom on my left only to see Nora staring into the mirror, looking at the red mark on her neck I made when I was choking her and sizing her up as my meal.

 I walked in slowly with my head down, disappointed in myself wondering how could I be so strong when it comes to attacking, but never strong enough to hold myself back. I hated feeling like this. Was this permanent? Would I have to live the rest of my life this way?

Coming to a stop, I looked up at Nora with my lips preparing to part for a sincere and exaggerated apology, but Nora interrupted me before the words could flow from the tip of my tongue. "Don't. It's fine Iris. I know what you're about to say and if you think for a second that it was your fault, it wasn't. So don't say I'm sorry because you have nothing to be sorry about. It's just a crazy mark that will go away soon" Nora says to me. 

I extend my arms around my sister and brought her into a warming hug full of regret, guilt, sympathy but love. I was lucky to have such an understanding sister who knew what life was like for me.

I hated myself enough, but she wouldn't allow me to hate myself even more. She couldn't possibly understand what it felt like to have to live with an alter ego, fumed with the power of a tribrid and surrounded by darkness. Inherited from a powerful witch and the anger of an alpha wolf and the thirst of a bloodlust vampire.

But even if she understood, I couldn't always use my lack of control as an excuse. I had to get better. I will get better.

In the moment of our hug, I heard our mother quietly walking to the threshold of the door, watching her children get their problems out like we usually did. She believed she knew I wouldn't kill Nora because she would always be there to stop me, but sometimes I don't feel that way. 

This unfortunate side of me came natural to them now. No one ever held it against me because they knew that me being a tribrid, the only tribrid, the only one of my kind wasn't easy. You have a temper of a werewolf and vampire and strong magic of a most powerful witch. At least a good witch anyways. 

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