Chapter 22

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After all the information we received, I was totally shocked. I was mates with the girl I just met and I didn't even know it.

I was mates with the girl I had sexed with the day I met her. I was mates with the girl who nearly killed me today.

Even afterwards, I couldn't stay mad at her. She saved my life. I wanted to talk to her because she just vamped out of the office into her room. The door was closed so I knocked on it. Who I didn't expect to hear was Nora.

Two 19 year old sharing a room was a little weird. But what was funny was it was only 1 bed. She opened the door and paused at me like she didn't expect to see anyone but me.

"What you want?". Why did she give me an attitude? Did Iris tell her something wrong? "Can I speak with Iris". She just opened the door and pointed towards the closet. 

"She locked herself in there. Don't bother trying to get it to open, she spelled the door shut". Nora jumped right back on the bed and got on her phone.

I stepped to the closet and knocked on it, "Iris"? I didn't get a response. Seems as if Nora didn't get one either because she just looked at me and laughed.

"Do you mind if I just wait out here until she comes out?",I asked Nora. She laughed again and it was starting to bug me. "What's so funny", I asked with a demanding tone. "Dude, if she spelled that door she isn't coming out of there for a few hours or days.

Go home and wait on her". I just left the room and laid on the couch in the living room. I stayed here sometimes so no one really questioned me while I was here.

I decided, if she wasn't going to come out of the room for a few days, I'll stay here and wait for her to come out.

_____________TIME JUMP_____________


The few days I spent here felt like I never left. I thought maybe leaving everything would feel out of place. I felt right in place. Most of my time here I've been working on my magic.

Surprised no one came near the barrier I set around the house. I guess they just weren't looking. It made me feel a little down but the reason I left made me forget about them possibly not looking.

I needed to focus on me. Some spells I tried, I failed at. I was destroying this house left to right. Although sleeping in my bed felt amazing as always. Especially with Nora NOT IN IT.

For the past few days I've been doing the same thing over and over. Eat breakfast, practice magic, go out for a run,shower ,eat and go to sleep.

It was like a schedule, Scarlett never really came out because she didn't like being away from her mate.

WHO SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WAS HER MATE UNTIL A FEW DAYS AGO! That's what made me mad. If she wanted to stay in missing someone she couldn't have, be my guest. My demon wasn't complaining too much.

We ran out the barrier from time to time visiting villages going out for snacks at night. Maybe killed about 20 people this past week.

Of course being dumb humans, they thought they were animals in the forest. Sometimes I would go to the little mini markets to buy fresh food. Ivy house wasn't being taken care of, at least I could put some food in the house.

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