So this is the end *Chapter 21*

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Ashley's POV

Everything was finally okay. For everyone but me. Jake and CC decided to give each other a chance. They would see how it went before they gave up on the relationship they never had. The last few days on the bus, they would sit close on the couch talking and kissing and cuddling. I had to admit, they were cute together. Jinxx had Nami and they were fine. She stopped cutting for the time being. And if she fell, we all knew, he would be there to catch her. Bella really hit off with Jared after she gave him a chance and they seemed to really fit together. I watched my little family slowly reform as the hardest tour came to an end. We told fans about Andy and told them that we would be taking a break. We told them that it wasn't the end and we would return. Andy got a lot of support and, like always, some hate. He didn't seem phased by it. Andy and I were... Well we don't know. I couldn't answer his question in the café. I didn't know the answer. I loved Andy more then I loved anyone in my entire live. It wasn't just that crush you never really got over. It was everything and absolutely nothing. Honestly, I was afraid to hurt Andy. I always hurt the people I'm with and hurting Andy (again) would kill me. I took a deep breathe as I threw the last of my belongings in my black suitcase. I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I zipped up my bag and turned around. Andy was leaning against the door frame smiling at me. I gave him a small smile and he crossed his arms. "I'm supposed to be the superhero around here." He started. "Brave, strong, and all that crap." He looked down. "But I'm one of the weakest people. I gave up when the going got tough. But you Ash. You're strong. You're brave and you've always been my superhero." He was looking at me now. He took a step forward and took my hand. "You're my hero Ash. You're also my best friend. But I need you to be mine." He brought my hand up to his lips and I grinned. "Are you asking me out Mr. Biersack?" I ignored all the what ifs that's floated through my head. I wouldn't know until I tried right? "Depends. Are you saying yes?" I pretended to think about before nodding. Andy laughed and wrapped his arms around my neck as mine circled his hips. Andy kissed me softly and I savored it and let everything be okay for just a moment

A/N: Finally! They are together. Last chapter my lovelies. There's the sequel. How'd you enjoy the story? Hope you liked it. I enjoyed writing it


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