Chapter 1

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It is said everyone's fate is written, that your decisions are yours alone, but are prewritten, it is Taqdeer or Qadr and I believe in this whole heartedly. This is one of our main beliefs, so when I was told about my fate, I argued, I honestly did, I was a 17 year old girl barely an adult, of course I'd argue. But I eventually give in, I knew if it was written it would happen and if it wasn't it wouldn't, so I gave in to what they wanted me to do. It wasn't exactly forced but it wasn't my choice........

The last few months of my senior year flew by, I hadn't told any of my friends what was happening after I'd graduate, I was still hoping my parents would somehow change their minds and everything would be magically fixed. But I guess that wasn't in my Taqdeer because today I was in for a big surprise......

'Beep, Beep, Beep' my alarm goes off at 5am, I jolt out of bed and head straight for my bathroom, I quickly perform my wudhu and head back to my room. I put on a hijab and place my Musalah on the floor and pray my Fajr, once I've prayed I take out my Quran and pray half a Juz like every morning. I then go back to bed; I can get an hour sleep until I have to get up for school.

'Beep, beep, beep' Urghhh stupid alarm clock going off at 7am, I lay back down once I've turned off the damn clock and realise it's the last day of school before summer vacation and my impending doom.

I get out of my comfy bed and head to my on suite bathroom, shed my pj's and have a quick shower. I get out and put on some under wear and head to my closet I pick out dark black skinny jeans and a loose baby pink shirt and a matching black and pink hijab, I quickly get dressed and, and I don't bother with a jacket since its summer.

On my way out of the closet I dry my hair and I look in the mirror I put my light brown hair into a bun and put my hijab over my head and pin in there. I put brown eyeliner in my hazel eyes to look less dead and some pink lip gloss. I'm the exact copy of my dad except my eyes have gone on my nana but other than that I have my dad's Arab complexion and light brown hair and even his height at 5 foot 7 I tower my mother, though I'm thin like my mother, she says she's happy I at least got her body size as my dad's quite bulky.

After an emotional last day, filled with fearful goodbyes, I came home like any other day, but today was anything but ordinary, today marked the first day of the rest of my life. I'd already been accepted into the University of Washington but I hadn't told my parents yet, I have no idea if I will still be able to go. They did say my fiancé would 'permit' me to go to university but would I be able to go to my dream school.

I parked my car in our drive way, I noticed my parents cars were parked, they'd usually be at work at this time, something is up and I don't like it one bit. I cautiously get out of my car and proceeded towards the front door, once id managed to unlock it I made my way towards the living room and both my parents were sitting on the sofa looking at me with unreadable expression, what news do they have now!!

''Aminah sit down putar'' my mom says calmly, I choose to ignore her and turn to my dad and say hesitantly ''what's going on dad?''

''Well you remember the talk we had a few months ago about Esa'' he says slowly, I nod my head but don't speak.

''Your fiancé'' mom adds in not so nicely.

''Yeah'' i tell her bitterly

''Well its time hun'' My dad tries to say gently, but I can tell he's not too happy with the idea either, but is just agreeing for moms sake

''What?'' I knew it was coming, but I guess I wished they'd just forget about it and let me live my life.

''Yes, you're 18 now so it's legal, so we're going to Pakistan In Shaa Allah and getting your Nikah done'' my mom's tone is that of finality, she isn't going to let me disagree

I sigh and stare at my shoes, after a couple of moments I look up and ask the dreaded question ''When?''

''The tickets have been booked for two weeks from now.'' My dad say's with a sigh.

''And are you going to leave me in Pakistan?'' I ask, barely whispering it.

''No, Esa lives in the U.K, we told you this'' mom tells me.

''No mom you didn't tell me, so I'm going to live in England''

''Well you'll go for a visit first during your summer, and then when school starts you'll return to the U.S to go to university. Esa will try getting you stay over there and you can transfer into a British university.''

''When will the Nikah take place?'' another dreaded question but one that needs to be asked.

''We'll start preparations as soon as we get there it shouldn't take more than three weeks so the wedding will be held in about 5 weeks''

''so it's actually happening'' I ask a bitter laugh coming out.

''Yes, we told you this months ago'' mom says with another sigh.

''And I still can't say no'' I ask slowly, afraid of what I know the answer will be.

''We told you that you have to do this, it was your nana's wish'' mom says getting emotional, it looks fake, I truely believe she is emotionless.

''I, I haven't read Asr yet, so yeah I'm going to go do wudhu and pray, we'll talk later'' I mutter, not letting my anger seep through.

''Okay'' they both say.

I stalk out of the room in anger,' Ya Allah atini sabr' I mutter to myself as I walk as calmly as I can up the stairs to my room. After performing wudhu my anger has lessened and after praying Asr I feel calm, Allah has a way of fixing everything, all you have to do is take the time out to ask, if your Duaa is not accepted in this life, surely in the hereafter you will get better then you asked for in this life.

Okay so it's written, it isn't edited and I'm not proud of it but yeah it's all I got -_-

So words you need to know Taqdeer/Qadr- the belief that everything is already written, like fate. Wudhu- ablution ( washing certain body parts before praying or reading the Quran. Hijab- A scarf to cover the hair. Musalah- a mat used to pray on. Fajr- the first of the five compulsory prayers ( you read Fajr before sunrise) . In Shaa Allah- means if god wills, its a common Arab/ Muslim saying. Nikaah- is the Islamic marriage ceremony. Asr- is the third prayer (you read this when the sun isn't at its highest, it usually starts two- four hours before sunset). And Duaa is a prayer, like when you ask god for something.

'Ya Allah atini sabr'- this literally means oh god give me strength,
(It actually means patience, sorry :) my mistake didn't read over what I wrote) our Arabic teacher used to say this all the time lol, we were a hand full, I actually feel bad for her, we were right mess abouts.

Okay so I want to know what you think, vote & comment xx

xoxo HuMzz

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