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                                            ~—~        My skirt hugged nicely around my waist, and I observed myself in the mirror

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        My skirt hugged nicely around my waist, and I observed myself in the mirror.

First day in a classroom as one of the 'teachers'..am I doing too much? The more I looked at my white long sleeve button up and black pencil skirt I started to second guess myself.

This school is made up of spoiled teen rich kids, getting taught with the best teachers available in Korea just because of money.

I will definitely fit in just fine.

Spraying a bit of my favorite MK perfume on my neck and some on my wrists just to not overdue it, I finally put my small chain purse over my shoulder at the door.

Ready to go.

My obsidian colored heels made contact with the neat cemented stairs as I walked up to the front of the school.

Fingers wrapped around the glass handle, I opened the door and let myself in. It took me a second to get a full look around the front entry area.

This is not a school, this is a fucking court house. Who knew schools with marbled floors were a thing?

16 year old me would have killed for a learning advantage like this. I probably would have been in Harvard, or maybe even youngest president of Korea.

Since a young age, I have always taken my studies seriously. I've only had my real, biological parents with me for a about a year into my birth until they gave me up to the foster care system.

Now my adoption parents who have kindly raised me for basically 19 years of my life have taught me to take my studies seriously, if not I would not be able to achieve whatever dreams I wanted.

Looks like it did pay off so far.

A lady basically dressed the same way as me but with a bold red lip approached me, wide grin on her face.

"Hello dear, my name is Lee Seoyun. I'm the head of the main office, How can I help you?"

"Oh yes, very nice to meet you. I'm here on behalf of KUC, for the student teacher program. My name is Kim Y/N."

At first the beautiful woman seemed confused, but she soon lit her eyes up at me again and recharged her smile.

"AH, yes yes that. Our lovely vice principal told me about you yesterday. This is great okay! You're just in time. I was directed to put you in whatever first period freshman class is going on, so I guess let's find one shall we?"

I smiled at her words, nodding as I started to follow her. Her small body frame wandered down a couple turns and a long hallway before I stopped right behind her.

Student Teacher. || P.JM ✔️Where stories live. Discover now