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Third person p.o.v

Jimin clapped his hands together, closing the classroom door behind him.

He turned to the full class, and nodded with a sneaky smile on his face.

"Okay guys, as you can see, Ms.Kim is not here with us right now because I have something planned. It's her birthday today, and I think it would be nice to sing happy birthday to her when she comes in. How does that sound?"

Many kids looked around and nodded, Jungkook on the other hand had something to say like always, raising his hand and waving it like a crazy person.

"Yes JK?"

He nudged the boy sitting next to him before speaking. "You got a thing for her don't you? You dyed your hair black for her birthday." He blurted out laughing.

Feeling personally attacked, Jimin rolled his eyes at him. Some students started cheering in a teasing manner.

"Jungkook, I dyed my hair cause I felt like it. Everyone quiet down, she is about to come in."

The whole room went quiet and Jimin stood by the door, impatiently waiting for her to walk in.

After a couple seconds, the door creaked open reveling y/n in a bodycon baby pink dress, obviously modest enough for the school environment.

Jimin contained himself as he watched her walk in. His eyes secretly wandered her body shape.

She jumped after thinking the classroom was empty, smiling brightly as everyone sang her happy birthday.

Finishing up the song, Jimin smiled to himself at her reaction. He couldn't help but also, imagine him singing her this same song years from now.

Catching himself with what he just did, he blinked and came back to reality, smiling at her reaction once again.

"Thank you guys...I appreciate it. Sadly, it's time to get this do now done." She laughed, brushing by him normally to go put her purse down.

Jimin's p.o.v

Immediately I rushed over to the desk, sitting down in the swivel chair as the class started to work.

"It's my birthday and you're still not even going to let me sit?" She asked teasingly at a low tone. The classroom was filled with chatter while we spoke, but she was still extra careful.

"I'm just trying to get you annoyed. Happy Birthday, how are you feeling?" I asked, putting a finger under my chin.

"I'm...feeling 21."

Student Teacher. || P.JM ✔️Where stories live. Discover now