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                                           ~—~        I stared at the newly positioned frame on my dresser for way too long

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I stared at the newly positioned frame on my dresser for way too long.

It's Sunday and I've been pretty much moping around the whole day. This upcoming week is my last in the school then it's back to continuous head breaking studies.

I'm dreading it.

Meeting him was set up by the universe in my eyes and I'm worried as what's going to happen with us.

As expected, I heard knocks at the door. I got up out of the bed and rushed down the hall to go open the door.

He let himself in holding two coffees. He was wearing a green hoodie with a jean jacket on top. I smiled and sat down at my table.

"Is this for me..?" I asked snatching one of the coffees from his hand.

He smirked and sat down across from me. "Of course it is gorgeous. Good morning to you too."

I took a sip and groaned into my seat. I haven't had coffee yet this morning and this French vanilla is really hitting the spot.

"Damn if only you enjoyed my cum that much.." he sighed shaking his head. Like before, I hitched my breath while taking a sip and started coughing through my laughs.

"Jimin are you serious?" I asked with a flushed face.

"As serious as a lawyer." He answered sarcastically.

Taking another sip I checked the time on my phone. "Time is going by so slow today. This is so annoying..." I said rolling my eyes.

"You're bored?" He asked raising a brow.

  "Kind of..I've been doing nothing all morning. All I did was take a shower." I said. He observed me in my robe.


   "Great? Don't be mean.."

    "I'm not being mean. That's great because Jin is having an engagement party today."

    Just by his tone of voice and how he's not looking at me, I could tell that's why he came. I felt a little nervous. He's asking me to come with him to a close friends engagement party?

   "Are you serious..why didn't you ask me instead of pretending to just keep me company?" I said crossing my arms.

   He opened his mouth. "Hey! Don't put words in my mouth. I was going to ask..but that's definitely not the only reason I came." He said, getting out of his chair.

   Walking behind me, he stood me out of the chair and looked at me. He slipped his hand under my robe and his hand skimmed the side of my body, securing a spot around my waist.

   The other hand held my ass on top of my robe. "Why do you think I came so early? The party isn't now.." he said softly, leaning in to place kisses on my jaw.

   I let out a hum and enjoyed the warmth of his kisses as they started to get progressively lower and lower.

   "How about we play for a little bit hm..?" He asked into my chest. I smiled.

   "I would love to, but I just showered Jimin."

   I heard him sniff into my chest as he continued to feel on my bare skin under my robe. "I know..you smell delicious. It just makes me want to taste you even more."

   Laughing, I raised his face up cupping him in my hands. I placed a kiss on his cheek. "Seriously, you're making me horny. Later okay? Let's talk about this party." I said.

He groaned and followed me down the hall.

Opening my door, he followed me inside and threw himself on my bed. "Oh..this is nice and comfortable." He said sinking his head into my pillow.

I laughed and started looking inside my closet. "So do you have an idea as to what I should wear? Is it inside or outside?"

He sat up. "Inside, and maybe a dress or something? I have to wear a pantsuit."

"So did you know about the engagement?" I asked looking through all my dresses. Damn, why am I such a whore? All my nice dresses are so..short and scandalous..

He got off my bed and made his way towards me to watch. "Yeah, he told me that he was thinking about it for a while and he had places booked already. I did not know it would be yesterday though, guess he thought I had a big mouth. I like that one." He said pointing to a silk red dress I had.

I pulled it out and showed him how low the cleavage part was and how big the slit was. "This isn't engagement party appropriate..."

He stared at the dress confused, as if he saw nothing wrong with it.

"Well, I'll come pick you up around 5. How does that sound?" He asked, returning the cheek kiss I gave him earlier.

"I'll be ready."


I decided on a black bodycon long sleeve dress with a tiny tiny slit on the side. I layered on some necklaces, and curled my hair.

I put on some eyeliner, and a pair of medium sized hoop earrings and I was ready to go. I stepped out my door and got into the car.

Jimin was in all black, button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black dress pants.

As if he were some sort of animal staring at a prey, he looked at me up and down and dragged his tongue across his bottom lip.

His hand gripped on the wheel. "You look really good.." he let out.

"You look better." I said putting my phone on my lap. He started the car.

He placed his hand on my exposed thigh and gripped it firmly for a while. I felt my insides clench at this action. His fingers brushed back and forth on my skin.

"Mm, y/n why do you have to be so beautiful?"

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