(Belphegor Spn)

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A/n Soo, Hi! I'm Calista, very nice to meet you! This is my first imagine ever, so, yeah. I'm gonna explain something. Whenever I'm writing about Belphegor I imagine him in Jack's body. I have this theory that Belphegor looks exactly like Jack but often wears sunglasses like in the 15th season. Also, if Belphegor doesn't wear them he has yellow eyes. Actually in demonology Belphy is one of the princes of hell. And like we know princes of hell have yellow eyes. If you want to change anything, fill free to request :) (Also Y/n - means your name and in this imagine you are the daughter of Crowley)

It was another night in the bunker. Dean was on a hunt with Sam, Castiel was who knows where and a girl, whose name was Y/n, sat in the stupid facility and wasn't able to go anywhere because overprotective boys who acted like her big brothers. She groaned from frustration. Boredom. She had an urge to shoot a wall, but Dean will kill her for that, sooo, yeah. Suddenly an idea popped in Y/n's head. Bad idea, but she had literally nothing to do. Y/n stood up and went to grab some things for a ritual. Yep, a ritual. Y/n wanted to call up a demon. Her father exactly. His name was Crowley. You ask how Crowley's daughter could live with THE Winchesters? Well.. It just happened.

 The girl drew a pentagram on the floor and started reading the ritual's spell. At first nothing happened. Y/n sighed and read again. Again, nothing happened. Y/n gave up and already wanted to go back to her room, but suddenly a voice broke the silence:

-Miss me?

Y/n turned around and her face turned from scared to confused.


-Yeah, your father said that he couldn't come here right now, and me.. Well I wasn't really busy, so here I am! - Belphy smiled.

Y/n smiled and went to hug her fiancé. She wrapped her arms around him and he brang her even closer. They stood hugging in a comfortable silence.

-How are you?- Belphegor pulled away and took his sunglasses of, showing Y/n his yellow eyes.- It seems that you are... bored.

Y/n rolled her eyes and pulled him out of the room. 

-Where're we going? - Asked Belphegor and then whined when Y/n didn't answer- Talk to meeeee!!!!

After a minute they stood at a door of Y/n's room. Crowley's daughter opened it and after Belphegor and her went in closed it with a loud thud. Belphegor winced from the noise.

-What came over you? Are you horny or wh...- Y/n smacked his head and gave him THE look.- Oh, sorry.. Cool, you have this days, you're bored and I'm near you. I'm your new victim. Am I right?..

Y/n smiled devilishly and before the tall yellow eyed demon could even blink she hit him with a pillow. 

-NOOOO, shiiiit!!!- yelled Belphegor and grabbed another pillow from the bed.

They started pillow fighting. Of course the smaller girl won. If Belphegor even had a chance to win he wouldn't take it. He love the princess of hell and hated when she was upset. He let her win and then tangled Y/n in bed. And with smiley faces they went to sleep.

After about three hours the pair heard the loud voice of Dean through their sleep.


And even in a sleepy condition the girl knew that she is doomed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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