Chapter 7

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Katrina and Shaw sat at a table, eating a meal paired with a bottle of ridiculously expensive red wine, a rather large napkin sitting next to Shaw and an equally large one next to Katrina.

"I hope you're enjoying your last meal," Brian said, as he stood in front of Dom, both armed with guns, Frank in front of him and their small squadron surrounding the couple.

They'd been expecting them.

"I'm rather annoyed, Franky," Katrina said as she leaned back in her chair, legs crossed as she sipped her wine, making the man's eyebrows raise.

"This is it? This is all we warrant? A dozen men?" Deckard said as he gestured to the small number of soldiers they had with them, enough to fit into the four SUV's they drove here, the plan that they heard all thanks to the microphone on Toretto's necklace.

"A dozen pathetic soldiers to take on the both of us. Suicide considering just one of us took out twenty specially-trained British assassins," Katrina remarked as she slid her fork into her mouth, male eyes on her as she chewed.

Deckard had set down his cutlery as a soldier replied, "I think you'll find it's more than enough." Katrina's blue eyes then glimpsed the tablet that he balanced in his arms as he aimed his gun.

The tablet with the God's Eye drive sticking out of it.

Deckard then picked up his wife's napkin, using it to dab around the edges of her already clean mouth before her teeth gripped onto the thin piece of metal and she pulled the firing pin from the grenade, the dozen soldiers readying their weapons as she picked up the one in Deckard's and opted to rip the pin out with her hand that time.

They kept a firm grip on the handle, keeping the grenade from igniting when Toretto stepped forward.

"I'm ready to meet my maker. Are you?" he asked, necklace bouncing on his vest covered chest as he walked, gun at his side rather than at the ready.

"Is this what you expected Toretto? Catch us off guard? Standing here waving a white flag?" Deckard asked before Katrina leaned forward on the table, grenade still in hand.

"Toretto, have you ever heard the saying, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'?" she asked in a deadly sweet tone.

"I don't have friends. I got family," Toretto replied as the soldiers began to grow wary, scanning their surroundings.

"Well, not only do we have family," Deckard began as he and Katrina glanced at each other before looking at Toretto.

"We've got a lot of friends," Katrina finished before the lights were cut and a door exploded, and Mose Jakande and his crew walked in, red laser pointers alight as they opened fire.

Katrina and Deckard had ducked out of the way, and they were very selective about when they launched their grenades.

Katrina had smiled when Frank had been shot multiple times, before she and her husband let go.

Deckard threw his towards Brian, Toretto and Frank while Katrina threw hers towards the few men left alive from Frank's crew.

As they exploded, the trio had escaped, but Mose and the Shaw's had got what they wanted as Katrina waltzed over to the dead soldier that had spoken before and picked up the God's eye tablet, turning to face Jakande who was already behind her.

"As promised," she said as she handed it over and she felt her husband appear next to her, his presence comforting.

"Ramsey's all yours, just find us Toretto and his team." 

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