Chapter 24

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"Is that really necessary? Come on! She's 71 years old! What the matter with you lot?!" Deckard exclaimed as Magdalena was sat down on the opposite side of the bulletproof glass with handcuffs on.

"Calm down Decks," Katrina chastised, Deckard sitting on the chair and her on his lap.

Magdalena had gotten herself arrested, but couldn't be bothered getting herself out even though she was fully capable of doing it.

"Sir, the prisoner will only be allowed more leniency when she proves to be less of a security risk," a guard informed Deckard who only rolled his eyes and received a slap on the shoulder from his wife as she picked up the phone to hear Magdalena.

"If someone leaves a back door open, it's a bit daft not to try and use it," she said, and Katrina sighed.

"Mum, what's daft is paying one of the screws to leave it open, but not enough to keep their mouth shut," she replied as she moved the phone so both she and Deckard could hear her.

"Yeah well, my point still stands," Magdalena said, lips red as ever.

"If you can't break out of a shitty prison like this, then you're seriously slipping, Mum," Deckard said, his hand on Katrina's waist to help keep her balance, and also because he just liked holding her.

"You cheeky bugger. Speaking of breaking out, where's my birthday cake?" Magdalena asked.

"What the one with the file in it? I ain't baking it," Deckard answered.

"Who wants a bloody file? What I want is a nice little bit of C-4."

"Mum, if you really want out, just say the word and we'll handle it," Deckard said, voice thick with concern.

"Kats, Decks, I'm just having a bit of fun really. Being banged up doesn't bother me. I quite enjoy the peace and quiet. You know a nice walk, bit of reading, loads of sudoku. It's like being retired. Love it," Magdalena said honestly and the couple couldn't help but smile at her.

A smile that faded when Magdalena then asked, "So, when am I getting my grandbabies?"

She'd been pushing this long before they'd ever gotten together, and it only got worse after they were married. Her wedding gift to them had been a $50, 000 check to spend on furnishing a nursery.

"We'll have kids when we're ready to have kids. So, stop pushing it Mum," Deckard said as Katrina flushed.

"Well, I'm not getting any younger."

"It'll happen if and when it happens Mum," Katrina added and Magdalena rolled her eyes.

"Now listen, have either of you spoke with your sister?"

"We went shopping together about three weeks ago before she went on a mission," Katrina answered and both women looked to Deckard, who hadn't properly spoken to Hattie since he got married in the Maldives. Katrina knew why they fell out, Hattie believing that Deckard went dark with his MI6 team all those years ago, but both Deckard and Hattie refused to let her intervene and try and fix the relationship between the two.

"You know I haven't Mum."

"Give me your hand."

"Here she goes," Deckard sighed, making his wife smile.

"Give me your hand," Magdalena repeated as she clasped Deckard's through the small gap, Katrina holding the phone for him.

"I mean, you and your sister, you used to be inseparable. What happened Decks? What happened between you two. I remember you, Owen, Hattie and Katrina, playing out in the backyard. Long before we took her in. Your little games, your little grifts. Robbing banks. You used to give your little scams code names. Do you remember? Oh, what was that one? Um..."

"The 'Keith Moon," Katrina answered, a nostalgic smile on her face as she knew exactly what her mother was talking about, Deckard looking away, almost in embarrassment.

Magdalena laughed as she said, "Yeah, that's right. It was called the "Keith Moon" because it-"

"Involved lots of explosive percussion and permanent ear damage," Deckard cut her off.

"That's my boy," Magdalena laughed as Deckard sighed.

"No wonder we left the family business."

"She loves you, you know? All you gotta do is pick up the phone, Decks. Look at me. You're her big brother. She looks up to you."

"Used to," Deckard said.

"That's a lie and you know it," Katrina said to Deckard, knowing full well that he knew about the conversations she had with Hattie about him, she still loved him even if they didn't talk anymore and he loved her too. Both were just too damn stubborn to say anything.

Magdalena looked genuinely saddened by his response.

"Well, one day, I just hope that I walk through that door and I see you both sitting there."

"How many years you got left?" Deckard joked.

"Two, with good behaviour."

"So how many really, Mum?" Katrina asked.


"Well, you know what they say. 'Never say never'," Deckard said and that seemed to put a bit of a smile back on her face.

"Time's up," the warden then announced as they buzzed the doors open for Magdalena to leave through.

"You take care of yourself Mum," Katrina said and the older woman gave her a warm smile

"You behave yourself," Deckard said in addition.

"Will do. Love you darlings," she said as she blew a kiss through the phone.

"Love you too," the couple said in unison, copying the action before they watched Magdalena stand up and holding up the handcuffs that were supposed to be on her wrists and ankles.

She laughed as she walked off, handing off the handcuffs to the guard.

Katrina and Deckard smiled, the latter's fading quite quickly as he thought about his sister.

"Come on Decks," she said softly as she stood, rubbing his arm as he was pulled from his train of thought.

"Yeah, let's go," he said as he grabbed her hand and they made for the exit. 

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