Chapter 15

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(A/N: Thanks for 1000 reads! Enjoy the chapter. XxD)


Devices were rolled into the room, shooting out grenades, one of them knocking Hobbs to the ground even after he tried to toss it away from himself.

And as Katrina pushed Ramsey out of the way of one, Deckard then tackled her out of the way as a massive piece of metal came flying towards them, pushed by the force of the grenades and pinning Deckard to the ground.

Katrina's ears rang as she'd slid across the floor, head pounding as she then tried to pull her gun from her boot, Deckard groaning under the sheet metal, bruised, but alive.

"Did you all enjoy that? Next-generation concussion grenade. It scrambles your senses. Don't worry, it'll wear off in an hour. Probably," laughed a female voice, Cipher, as she made her way inside.

"Nice to see you again Deckard," she said as she pressed her foot onto the metal sheet that was on top of him as his vision blurred and he groaned in pain from the added weight. "Look at this, body's not even cold Dom. Your family's already replacing you," she said to Toretto who stood behind her, both of them armed and in kevlar vests.

She aimed a gun at Deckard's head. "You chose the losing team. I guess your brother is smarter than you."

Squinting her eyes through her blurry vision, Katrina managed to get off five shots, two missing completely but the other three nailing Cipher in her vest, her breathing heavy as it absorbed the impact.

And before she could shoot anymore, Dom had disarmed her and knocked her down with her own weapon.

"Kat," Deckard wheezed out as he reached out an arm for her, able to see the blood leaking from a cut on her cheek as her eyes closed.

"You make me nauseous," Cipher groaned before she went to grab God's Eye hat had been embedded into the government mainframe to prevent it from being stolen, unless you took it out physically, which she did.

And when Letty tried to convince Dom to come back to his family, Cipher kissed him in front of her before they left, leaving Letty shattered.

Leaving their new team shattered.

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