Mr. Popular: Chapter 22

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Sakura held onto Sasuke's hand tightly. They got to his car and he opened the door for her. Blushing she got in and he rounded the car to his side.

"Where are we going?" She asked excited.

"It's a surprise," was all he said.

Sakura couldn't stop smiling. Sasuke kiss me! She could still feel his lips on hers. The way both of their lips moved in sync.

Soon the car was moving and Sasuke adapted to the darkness of the night. The streets were lined with couples on walks.

Sakura was too busy replaying their kiss to notice anyway. Just then she realized that he'd left Karin at the theatre. She snickered softly and would remember to rub it in her face when she gathered enough courage to.

"What's so funny?" Asked the raven haired boy.

"I was just thinking that you left Karin back there," she explained.

Sasuke snorted, "she's the least of my problems."

Sakura arched her eyebrows, "And you have problems?"

"Who doesn't?"

"What could possibility be a problem for you?" Sakura asked curiously. She thought Sasuke's life was perfect really. Good grades, rich family, good looks, nice brother...what more could the Uchiha want?

You're my problem. Sasuke thought glancing over at Sakura. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but Sakura was like a drug, his own personal brand of heroin. An addiction he just couldn't shake.

Didn't want to shake. Kissing Sakura was pure bliss, it was like everything faded and it was only them. He wanted to experience that again, he wanted more.

The car came to a stop and they both got out. "Where...?"

"I decided that it would be good to take a walk," the Uchiha answered.

Sakura smiled as she watched the cheery blossoms blow in the wind. The night air was cool and refreshing, it blew through her short hair and down her back. Reducing her body temperature.

Sakura nodded and they started walking. Couples passed them, it wasn't many of them, because the place was relatively empty.

She felt a hand against hers and blushed. Lacing her fingers with his, she looked down at her feet. Her heart beating way too fast, so fast she could hear every beat echo in her head.

More heat poured into her cheeks as she felt him come a bit closer. Looking up, she found herself lost in a pair of onyx eyes.

She wanted to speak, to say something—anything. But her voice seemed to be on mute and her brain was incapable of putting together a proper sentence.

"Sakura," he said.

"Woohoo! He learned my name!" Cheered inner Sakura.

"Shut up!" Sakura shot back at her.

Sasuke inched closer and suddenly she became flustered. Her laced the fingers on his other hand with hers and pulled her closer. Her breathing became jagged and her chest rose and fell rapidly.

Calm down, calm down. She chanted in her head. But it was no use, this was Sasuke Uchiha. The hottest guy in school and her crush since kindergarten. How could she be calm when he'd kissed her? How could she be calm when it seemed like her dream was coming true?

How could she be calm when he was bending to kiss her again?

Her eyes closed slowly as she awaited the kiss. Butterflies ran amuck in her knotting stomach. And when his lips finally met hers, a fiesta of sparks danced throughout her whole body.

Letting go of Sasuke's hand, the pink haired girl quickly fastened her arms around the Uchiha's neck.

Sasuke only encouraged her actions, he wanted this as much as she did. If he'd known that kissing Sakura would feel as good as it does, he'd have kissed her long ago.

His arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer. And again...time froze. Enabling them to enjoy the moment fully. To savor each touch of the lips, each gasp, each tug.

Finally they broke apart for air and a dark blush made a track across Sakura's face. She removed her hands from around his neck and looked away.

He chuckled lightly, she was so cute. Taking her hand once more, Sasuke started walking. Sakura was glad for the silence, it gave her time to think.

A light breeze picked up and Sakura shivered. It caught the Uchiha's attention however. "Cold?"

"A little," she answered.

Sasuke took off his jacket and slung it over her shoulders.

"Take my jacket," he said.

"B-but you–"

"I'm fine Sakura," he said reassuring her.

"Alright," she said after a few long moments. A smile tagged along her lips as she took in his scent. "Thanks."

He nodded and gave her hand a light squeeze. What's wrong with me? Sasuke wondered. He was never like this with girls. He didn't hold hands, didn't go on walks, didn't kiss under cherry blossom trees.

Sakura was definitely changing him...for the better.

They continued their walk for a while longer, conversation became second nature for them. Soon he took her home and kissed her goodnight. Sakura didn't want to say goodbye, but she knew she'd see him at school the next day.

Squealing she ran up the stairs and threw herself on to her bed. She had to tell Hinata about this tomorrow. Just thinking about Sasuke was making her heart race.

She laid in her bed replaying the whole evening, over and over again. And apart from the romantic gestures, she also picked up on something important. Something that mattered to her.

Sitting up in bed, Sakura asked out loud, "what are we?"

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