Mr. Popular: Chapter 15

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Sakura fiddled with the hem of her skirt. Her heart was racing and her breathing was unsteady.

Suddenly the room became really hot and the walls seemed to be closing in on her. What was this feeling? She didn't know. All she knew was that she had to kiss Sasuke. Her all time crush.

The love of her life.

"Okay, five minutes," said Shikamaru.

Sasuke smirked and got up. Sakura hesitantly got on wobbly legs. She glanced down at Gaara, his facial expression was that of both annoyance and nostalgia.

Was there someone on his mind?

Her thoughts were interrupted by Ino clearing her throat. "Any day now Sakura," said the blonde haired girl. She glanced up and saw Sasuke leaning against the door frame to the closet. His arms were folded and he gave her a dull look.

She swallowed and made her way towards him. Before she entered she stumbled. Both bodies collided and they fell into the dark closet.

There was a slamming of the door and Sakura knew they were locked in.

She struggled to get to her feet, but her body was entangled in another. Sasuke-kun. She thought.


"Sakura," he croaked.

Sakura panicked, why'd he sound like that? Did she hurt him when she crashed into him? Why did the room have to be so dark and small. They could barely move.

"S-Sasuke-kun," said the pink haired girl worried.

"S-Sakura," he said his voice sounding weaker.

Sakura bit her lip, "hmm?"

"Come closer," he groaned. She furrowed her eyebrows and leaned closer. His warm breath feathered against her skin and she shivered. He groaned once more and Sakura panicked. What did he want to tell her? Had she finally succeeded in unknowingly killing him? Was this a death wish?

Sakura imagined just what he was going to say.

"Sakura I love you, I always have. I'm just sorry that it's too late and I have to die."

"No, Sasuke-kun, you can't leave me."

"I'm sorry Sakura."

"COULD YOU PLEASE GET YOUR KNEE OUT OF MY GROIN!" He yelled into her ear snapping her out of her daydream.

"Huh?" Sakura was confused for a minute, but then she felt him shift beneath her. She flushed red and quickly scurried off of him. Sasuke rolled his onyx eyes in the dark and sat up, facing Sakura. "S-sorry."

"...." Was his reply as he saw her blush stained cheeks.


"Sakura," Sasuke said slowly. She looked up at the raven haired boy.


"Are you secretly trying to kill me?" He asked looking at her with narrowed eyes.

Sakura blushed, he did have a point. First it was the accident and now this. It seemed that whenever she was around, he always got hurt.

But it was always because he tried to protect her. She didn't have to crash into him, no, he placed himself in the way to cushion her fall. But why? Why did he feel the need to?

Surly he hadn't fallen for the pink haired nerd. No, he didn't believe in love. It didn't exist in his world.

"No," she blushed. A smile threatened to grace Sasuke's lips. But he quickly gave her a blank look although they could barely see each other.

"You could have fooled me," he scoffed playfully. Trying to make it less awkward for her.

"Sorry." She said for the umpteenth time. Sasuke didn't reply, he merely looked at her, there was a deafening silence that overtook the enclosed space. Neither dared to speak. "So, um..."

"Hn," Sasuke hummed instinctively.

"W-well,, came in here for a r-reason..." God she felt like Hinata.

"And?" Sasuke asked nonchalantly.

"Uh....well..nothing," she retorted picking up annoyance in his voice. Just stop, it's obvious he's not interested.

But Sakura was kind of looking forward to the kiss.

Sasuke smirked, "Do you want to kiss me Sakura?"

"Uh, heh?" She asked surprised. Her cheeks becoming heat insulators.

Sasuke moved closer, his breath touched her cheek. "Sakura," he said in a seductive tone.

She held her breath as his face inched closer. "Y-yes?"

"Do you want to kiss me?" He teased.

"Y-yes," she said and quickly clamped a have over her mouth as the words came out.

He smirked and looked at her slightly visible lips. Something deep inside him was begging him to close the space between them. And he was willing to listen.

He cupped her face and Sakura froze. Was this really going to happen?

He inched closer and her eyes started to close. Here goes, thought the raven haired devil. But before their lips could touch, the door swung open and standing in the doorframe was a cheerful Naruto.

"Hey Teme, you—"

The blonde didn't get to finish his sentence as Ino came and dragged him away. "Come on!"

Sakura frowned and Sasuke groaned internally. Way to ruin the moment. They both got to their feet and left the closet.

"How's Hinata?" Asked Sakura trying to make small talk.

"She's asleep...I think.." Naruto said scratching his head side.

"You think?" Asked Shikamaru.

"Yeah, I mean she's not moving or anything, but I'm pretty sure she's breathing. But then! She's alive, I'm positive." The blonde smiled.

They all looked at him with horror. What had he done to Hinata?

A door opened and the locked away couple finally emerged. Neji was covered in lipstick and Tenten looked disoriented.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna..." Tenten trailed off.

"I'm taking Tenten home," Neji said placing an arm around her.

"Make sure you take her straight home," Naruto said and the others chuckled. Neji and Tenten both blushed and scurried out the door.

Sounds of painful moans could be heard coming from the kitchen. Sakura furrowed her eyebrows as a half dead Chōji staggered into the living area.

"Chōji what's—?" Kiba started but stopped when the brunette started moaning.

"He seems to be having a stomach ache," Sakura said quickly assessing the situation. Sweat lined his forehead and his face looked flustered.

"What did you get that from?" Shikamaru asked leading him to the couch. "I've never seen him eat anything and get a stomach ache."

"The food Hinata–oww–brought," he managed to groan.

Sakura's eyes widened and she quickly went into the kitchen to check the bag. Confirming her assumptions, she came back.

"So my mother's cooking can kill people." Sakura mused looking at the chubby boy.

"What are we going to do?" Asked Sai.

"Don't worry. I'll handle it." Sakura said coming to sit beside Chōji.

Everyone stepped back and left their friend's health in the hands of a nerd.

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