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Yeji- You have to kiss...umm....Y/n!

You choked hearing her words.

Yeonjun looked a bit shy but after a min he came closer and closer. You heart started running a marathon.
He then placed a hand on your shoulder and the other hand behind your neck. You felt butterflies in your stomach the moment his lips touched yours. You didn't dare to kiss him back. His lips were soft and tender, he was a good kisser. After 10-15 secs, both of you parted. Your face became red.
He just smiled shyly. Soobin was sad as hell. He was also jealous.

Y/n- Umm..excuse me friends, I will be back in a minute.

You ran up the terrace to catch some cool air.
Your Pov-
What did just happen?
Yeonjun my crush kissed me.
"He is my crush but in some way i couldn't accept his kiss, but why?" You thought.
~end of you Pov~

Yeji- Y/n-ahh!! What happened? Aren't you happy?
Y/n- No, no, nothing.
Yeji- your crush kissed you but you don't seem to be happy.
Y/n- I even don't know.
Yeji- Anyway, now let's go down.

You both went down. The game had finished and everyone was back to their own businesses.
Some were chatting, some eating, some drinking and some playing....

It was already past 8 pm. Jimin called you and asked you if he could come and pick you up.

Yeji- Bye Y/n! Sleep tight.
Y/n- Goodnight Yeji, Soobinie.

Soobin just smiled but didn't respond. He seemed very down.

You felt bad for him and wanted to hug him right now. You didn't know why these feelings came to you mind.

At the car~

Jimin- How was the party?
Y/n- Just nice.

Jimin- Btw, I am going for a photoshoot and a fashion show tomorrow for Chanel.
Care to join me? I invited our parents as guests too
Y/n- sure, I'll come.

At home~
Y/n- Mom, dad I'm home.
Y/m- How was the party dear?
Y/n- Yeah, just nice.

You then went to your bedroom and did your night routine.
You changed into your pajamas.
Soon as you laid on your bed, you drifted to you dreamland.

Next day~
You woke up when the sunrays hit your face at 6:45 in the morning.

"Good morning Y/n" you said to yourself.
You went down to see your family members on the dining table.

Y/m- Good morning dear.
Y/d- My princess is awake. *hugs*

Y/n- Morning Eomma, appa and oppa.
Y/d- Y/n, I have something to tell you.
Y/n- Yes, tell me dad.
Y/m- We will discuss later about that? Now let's have breakfast.

You then ate your breakfast~
Jimin- Y/n, remember?
Y/n- Yup! I'll go and get ready.

After 40 mins~
Oppa I'm ready-

After 40 mins~Oppa I'm ready-

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