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You were watching Taehyung swim and play about while reminiscing your memories. Then suddenly-
Tae dragged you down to the swimming pool. You fell on his chest.
Then both of you started to play around, swim and splash water to each other.

After 2-3 hours in the pool, you two decided to go to sleep as it was already 10 pm. You both sat on the edge while looking at the beautiful moon shining so beautifully and calmly.

"Taehyung, can I ask something?"


"Who was the girl whom you said about yesterday?"

*Sighs* "She is also a model of Chanel. I met her in Paris. We were together for 3 years. But all these time I didn't know she was just using me. I loved her but she didn't. She really betrayed me hard."

"I'm sorry for asking, but it's okay all will be fine" you said while consoling him.

Then you started sneezing constantly.

"What happen Y/n?" he asked you worriedly.

"A-a-achooo..! A-achi...!! Nothing maybe I am going to catch acold.
I should go now, good night" you said and went away.

"I am now sure about my feelings, I'm in love with you. Your genuine personality is making me fall for you harder. I just wish I could make you mine forever. But sadly, I don't think you feel the same for me. I don't want to be seperate from you anymore." Tae thought as he went up to his room.

Next day~
Taehyung Pov-
I woke up a bit early today. I went down after I did my morning routine but I didn't find Y/n anywhere. She is usually an early riser.

"Y/n!!Y/n-ah! Are you up?" I called her as I go towards her room.
I knocked but there was no response. I then went in to see her still sleeping. I went near her to wake her.

As I bend down to wake her, I saw her sweating intensely. I touched her forehead and it was very hot. She has a fever!!
End of his Pov

"I'm not feeling well Taehyung."you said as he touched you.

Taehyung was really panicked on knowing that you're having fever.

"Wait Y/n! I'll call the doctor, you'll be okay" he said as he took his phone to call the doctor.

After 20 mins, the doctor came and checked on you. There wasn't anything serious. It was just a normal flu.
"Please give her these medicines after feeding something. The fever may persist for approximately 3 days then it will decrease" the doctor advised Taehyung as he go out.

"Thank you doctor, if her condition worsens, I'll again call for you" Tae said.

Then he quickly came up to your room to check on you. The temperature read 102°F.

"It's still a high fever" he said as he wipe your forehead with a wet towel.
Then after some time, he made porridge for you and fed you.
"Just one more spoon, please" he pleaded as you said you were full already.

Then he gave you the medicine and made you sleep while still running you forehead with wet towels.
"98°F......." he said as he checked the temperature.

Then the time passed, it was afternoon.

"Taehyung, I want to go to washroom" you said as you woke up.

"Ok! Come let me help you stand"
He then helped you stand and let you towards the washroom.

After a few mins, you cme out. But you suddenly felt dizzy and was about to fall down but Tae catch you.

"Careful!" he said.

Then he lifted you suddenly.

"Are you a feather or something? You literally have no weight?" he said as he carried you to bed.

"None of your concern..." you said replying to his words.

"I have to concern because I'm your husband."

"Well you even considered me your wife?" you asked out of nowhere.

He looked at you in disbelief and said- "Kim Y/n! You are the wife of Kim Taehyung, no matter what"

"Whatever......" you murmured as you laid down on your back.

A few hours passed again~
It was dinner time. He prepared simple food for you by looking at some Youtube videos.

Then he brought the food to your room.

"Y/n, this is my first time cooking. I don't know if it will be eatable or not. But I didn't want to let you eat outside food" he said while being nervous.

"It's okay, lets see" you said with a gentle smile.
Then he helped you sit up and started feeding you.

When the first spoon of food went into your mouth, your eyes widened.

"What happened, is it too bad?" he asked.

"Its good Taehyung" you said as you smiled brightly.

Then you ate a lot of the food. He was happy feeding you. He was relieved to see you so happy in front of him.

"I will try to be the best husband for you, Jagiya" he thought.

"Thank you so much, and you should also go and eat" you said as you ate your medicine.

"I'll be back in a while" he said then went away.

After coming out of the room~

"I was foolish that I thought you were just a normal person in my life. But you're the most special person. You and I were destined to be together. I will tell you that I love you truly, not today but soon. I will give you all the happiness of the world.  Thank you for still being with me after being so rude with you, Y/n" he said while he smiled and regretting a bit.

Then after 30 mins or so~ Taehyung came back fully with a pillow and already dressed in pajamas.
"I'm gonna sleep here today" he said.

"No, I can sleep alone" you said.

"Please atleast today, you're sick" he said while showing puppy eyes.

You didn't know what to say.

He then placed the pillow next to you and checked your temperature.

"101.4°F, there is still sond fever" he said while putting the wet towel on your forehead.

"Why are you doing all this?" you asked.

"Because I love you silly" he thought.

"I have to care you because there is no one else in the house" he told you the same thing which you said to him.

This made you giggle a bit. Then slowly you drifted to your sleep.

"I love you" he said slowly as he kissed your forehead.


Meme of the day~

Meme of the day~

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