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"Well, let's see about that" Jungkook said to Tae.

Then Tae released his hand and went inside Y/n's room.

"Jagiya, I'm here" he said as he entered your room.

"Ohh! Taehyung ah! What are you doing here?" you asked feeling surprised.

"Can't I visit my wife?" he said as he sat down.
"Here, I brought lunch for you" Tae said as he handed you the box.

"Well, thanks but I had some already, so...." You said.
"Really, but can't you have little more and beside you are as light as feather" he said as he pouts.

"Omo, my heart is melting. I didn't know he had this cute side" you thought in your mind.

"Well, okay" you said.
"Open you mouth, aaa...." Tae said as he gave you the food.

Then you opened your mouth, giggling a bit on his cute nature.

After some time~
"Taehyung ah! I'm too full now"you said.
"Ok, but you ate a lot really!! From today on, I'll feed you everyday" he said.

"Have you had your lunch?" You asked him.
"Not yet, but I'll have as soon as I go back" he replied.

"BTW, thanks!" You said as you smiled.

"And don't dare to be with that man, I don't like him" Tae said a bit serious.

"Who man? " you said confused.

"Jagiya, don't act innocent. I heard his words to you before." he said.

"Well, he doesn't mean it...." you said.

"Y/n!! We weren't in good terms before, but now let me tell you the truth. I love you. I'm in love with you now" he said bringing all his courage together.

"What??" you said choking on the water you were drinking. 😂

"I'm being serious right now" he said while looking down.

"Well, I'm not sure about that" you said.

Then Tae started coming closer towards you and pinned you to the wall between his arms.

"What are you d-doing Taehyung?" you asked on his sudden action.

"Jagiya, I love you!! I'm in love with you. But it's okay if you don't love me still because you will surely fall for me, you can't deny my charms. And you're one and only mine. Just wait for the time to come...Babygirl...." he said in a seductive tone.

He was really near to you while you faces were only inches away. You could feel his breath on you neck. Then his gaze went down towards your lips.

You gulped seeing his seductive nature now.

In the next moment, he grabbed your thin waist and pressed his lips into yours. You felt surprised by this action. But soon it parted away.

"I couldn't resist it Baby" he said while smirking.

You were blushed like a tomato.

From the very kisses both of you had, one thing was for sure. He was a really good kisser. His kisses seemed so addictive.

"W-well, you should go now" you said.


Well, this was a short chapter. But hoped you enjoyed it. Please vote my story and share it with others.💞

I love you all so much and thank you.😂
Have some Tae pics for a better day~

😂Have some Tae pics for a better day~

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Bye see you in the next chapter

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Bye see you in the next chapter.💞💜🥺

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