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Then the door opened revealing a drunk Taehyung with a girl.

Y/n- Taehyung!!
*You ran towards him with a worried face*

The girl supporting her said-" Are you Tae's forced wife? huh! Whatever!

(Imagine the girl as anyone of your choice)

You didn't respond her and just helped Tae stand properly.

Jennie- You won't be here for long and I'll make sure to make him all mine. Wait and watch!!

*she said with a drunk voice*

Then to your surprise they started kissing each other.

"Bye baby, see you" Tae said.
"Love you baby" she said with a smirk in her face.

You were there watching the drama with your eyes filled with tears. Then Jennie went away.

Y/n- Taehyung! Come here!
*You said trying to support his heavy body*

Tae- Get away from me, don't..t-touch me.
*he said fully drunk, not knowing what going on around him*

Then somehow you you dragged him till his room and finally laid him on the bed.

You were about to walk away when he suddenly grabbed your wrist which made you fall on his bed.
"Who are you beautiful?" He said while tying to keep his eyes open.
"Taehyung leave me" you said trying to get out of his grip.

"Just stay with me, beautiful...." He said, about to fall into sleep.

Then after about 15 minutes, he finally fell asleep. He was hugging you so tightly and you could feel his breath on you neck. You heart started beating faster. You then placed one of your hands on his face and smiled.

Then you suddenly came to sense.

"What are you doing Y/n? Are you crazy?" you said to yourself.

Then you slowly got out of his grip and went out of his room.

You also then slept away feeling tired.

(A/n- Let's do a magical time skip🥲)

~Time skip~ 1 week later.

You were home alone once again as usual and was watching K-drama.

You were also scrolling on your phone when you saw an email~

It was from the biggest medical institution and hospital in South Korea. You were recognised in South Korea becuase you achieved the top rank in the Mbbs exam results. It was an email which was requesting you if you were interested for a job of a cardiologist and also a professor in their institution.

You couldn't believe that it was an offer from the institution itself. You thought it was a fraud or something.

A phone call came from you dad.

On the call~

Y/d- Y/n! How are you dear? We miss you!

Y/n- I'm fine appa, I miss home so much

Y/d- Btw, did you receive an email from Seoul Institution of Medical Sciences and Hospital?

Y/n- Yes appa! I received an email but...

Y/d- Okay so are you willing? Actually the officials came here to meet you but they didn't know that you're married.

Y/n- Really?! I would love to appa. I was longing for a job anyway.

Y/d- Great then, I'll complete all the paper works.

Y/n- Thanks appa.

Y/d- Bye daughter, take care.

~call ends~

You were really happy by the news that you've been approached by the biggest and the best medical institution and hospital of South Korea.

Time skip~
The finally arrived. Today was your first day of your job in the institution. You woke up really early and did your usual routine.
You were about to go when~
Tae- Come I'll drop you.
Y/n- I can go it's okay, and it is far from your office road.
Tae- Just get in fast.
You then went in the car in an irritated way.

After 30 minutes-
You reached and got out of the car.
Tae- All the best.

You didn't respond to his wishes and went away without even saying thank you.

You had started acting cold towards him.

After chaging your dress👇

Then the CEO of the institution and the head doctor came to you

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Then the CEO of the institution and the head doctor came to you.

Ceo- Welcome Kim Y/n, we are really grateful that you accepted our request.

Head doc- I look forward to working with you.

Ceo- As you have already known you have to take 3 classes every day for your part and for the rest of the day you will be checking on patients.

Y/n- Yes sir, I understand. Thank you. Its my pleasure to work here.*bows*

Head doc- Okay then, your assistant will show you around and tell you all important things. All the best.

Y/n- *bows* Thank you sir, I will do my best.

Then your assistant showed you around and told you all important things.

Assistant- And, ma'am this will be your room. If you need anything else, please ask me.
And ma'am you will be working with another doctor as your partner. He will be here shortly. Thank you.

Y/n- *bows again* Thank you so much.

Then you sat on your chair and started checking some files when someone knocked you door and entered..........................

Finally one more chapter completed. And who do you think entered Y/n's room?🙂

Thank you so much for reading my story. Forgive all my mistakes.

And see you in next chapter.

안녕!!👋And see you in next chapter

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