Chapter 16 - Do The Right Thing

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It was the day after Jamie’s performance. Jamie had been blowing up Sam’s phone. She was worried that he was mad at her for talking to Cam and ignoring him. In reality Sam was slightly mad but was more disgusted that Jamie couldn’t see through Cam and realize he was a sleaze ball trying to use her. He had told her he understood. When she tried to get him to come down to a jam session she was having with her band Sam passed on the opportunity and came up with a lie that he was shooting some magazine advertisement thing. In reality he was with Pete most of the day spying on Cam. As the day turned into night Jamie texted Sam again to see if he wanted to eat some popcorn and catch a movie on TV in her apartment. Sam thought this was turning into a date until she mentioned that all her band mates had friends over and she was feeling left out. Either way he wasn’t interested and instead headed out to a bar to brood for the evening telling Jamie that he had a date for the night.

Sam had grown accustomed to the run down bars. They were off the radar of upper class people and he didn’t have to worry about any serious security. Although because of this the company that was in the bar was usually somewhat sketchy. It wasn’t uncommon to see a biker gang come through these places or even a person or two that had themselves involved with the drug scene. Tonight Sam thought he might try out a new one of these bars and see what kind of drink specials they had.

Sam was on his third drinking of the evening when an older burley man came and sat two bar stools away from him. The two didn’t say anything but gave each other a nodding and lifting of their drinks to salute a fellow man drinking off his disgusts of the world. The man had black hair that covered his forehead and covered most of his neck. He had a black beard with a few spots of grey in it. Sam assumed he was a man in his 40s. From what Sam noticed the guy wasn’t wearing any affiliated gear but was wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, and boots. He had dark eyes that continued to stare off at the counter. He was rubbing his left ring finger with his right hand.

“Newly divorced?” Sam couldn’t help but say. The guy looked up at him with a slightly outraged face at first. He glanced away and then look back at Sam.

“Yeah. Signed the final papers today.” The man said.

“She get anything valuable?” Sam asked.

“Only my dignity.” He said with a small chuckle. That made Sam smile a little.

“Any kids you have to worry about?”

“I have a son. He’s going to be turning ten soon.” He reached into his wallet and pulled out a photo and slid it over towards Sam. Sam got up and sat at the bar stool next to the man.

“Good looking boy. Looks strong too” Sam said.

“Yeah he’s a good kid. You have any kids yet?” The man asked.

“Nope. I don’t think I could handle a kid right now. I’m still trying to figure out my life.”

“Yeah you still have plenty of time.” It seemed like the conversation might die there but then the man reached out his hand. “My name is Henry by the way.”

“Jacob” Sam said shaking his hand.

“Well Jacob you’re only in your twenties right?” Sam nodded his head. “It’s not uncommon to feel that way then. It’s not like a switch just goes on and off and all the sudden you get it. It’s a gradual process. Heck I’m 41 and I’m still trying to figure out. Women, children, life… it all just happens. You have to take the good with the bad.”

“And right now we are both dealing with the bad.”

“Damn right.”

“I’m buying you another beer. We need to figure out how we get back to the good.” Sam said getting the bar tenders attention.

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