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The yellow school bus gets parked in the area. As soon as the bus parked, kids started to recite their poems aloud.

"Waves in the sea go"

"Up and down, up and down"

"Waves in the sea go"

"Up and down, up and down"

"Shark in the sea"

kids were enjoying the whole sea vibes already..

"Listen, hey hey" "sit down"

"Everyone, Meril take your sit" the teacher put her down, she was the one leading the 'up and down chant'...

"Everyone has our emergency number",

"Yes, Mr kanawut"

"Recite the rules with me"

"Rule 1: don't talk to strangers"

Kids repeat after their teacher, "don't talk to strangers"

"Rule 2: Stay in-group",

"stay close in-group",

"Rule 3: if got lost, call on the number"

"Call on the number"

"Very good, now march in pair of two, reciting the same rules"

"When we are gonna sing waves in the sea" Meril chirped from the front seat..

He plastered a pleasant smile, "when you see the sea", "but before that, just rules", "did you all get that??"

"Yes Mr. Kanawut" kids yelled in unison...

Taking kids for a picnic on the seashore is not as easy as it seems, there were two male and two male staff assigned the duty, and he already feel tired.

When he entered the bus, someone scattered potato chips on his seat, then there was a kid who was having motion sickness, Gulf had to keep on checking on him...the other kids were loud throughout the journey, chanting up and down, his head was spinning with up and down chants..

He should not accept Mrs. Boss' request, dealing with little ones is not easy, massaged his head, the trip has not started yet and he feels exhausted, he prefers to go with seniors as compared to little ones.

"Mr kanawut... you Ok?" Mrs. Bling asked with concern,

"Yes, yes I am good" replied with the same plastered smile.

"Don't worry, they are not trouble" she assured, their chat got interrupted, a kid came running, that one of his friend has fallen down and injured his knee,

"Yes sure.... they are no trouble, not at all"

They reached at the spot, the kid was sitting on a bench holding his injured knee, crying. Crying so loud, that crowd gathered around.

Mr. Pen another male staff tried to calm down the kid, "Mr.kanawut can you bring the First aid from the bus"

Gulf nodded running towards the bus, driver... driver... dashed out his phone dialed the driver's number, went to the bus...

Within ten minutes, he was about to go back with the aid box. His peripherical vision shows two little girls talking to a guy, his steps halted, isn't she Meril.

That guy handed something to the girls, they giggled unwrapping the sweet and were about to put it in their mouths.

He runs towards them, snatched the candies throwing them away, facing the guy furiously. "What the hell do you think, doing Mr.??"

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