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The Cursed 

The Cursed 

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"Athy!- Mhgh"

A small bundle of black fur jumped at the new presence in the room aiming specifically at the item the woman held carefully in her hands "Eh- Momma!" "your highness" the worried voices of both Lily and Athanasia shrieked as they ran towards the woman who had been thrown onto the floor "Ah I'm okay" chirped the empress turning to stare at the adorable animal that was devouring the cake she had brought "but it seems like the cake isn't.." lily helped the curly-haired woman up while Athy seemed to stare at the now empty plate where the red velvet cake with chocolate icing and sweet sugar flowers once had been with pure sadness the cake was hard to come by in the obelian empire that was why it was special the sugar flowers it required were very rare and pricey you could only guess that with now two people who adored the cake the Emporer seemed more pressured into ordering the sweet delicacy more often.

"Athy, what is that?" the blonde-haired princess was snapped out of her sadness as she turned to give her mother a bright smile picking up her pet to show him off "Raven my new pet!" the mother-daughter duo seemed to spend a good hour just talking happily about the creature while lily who stood off to the side seemed still slightly worried.

"Daddy, Momma I missed you!" the bright smile of the princess seemed to brighten the Audience hall where the tired Claude sat and the two who worried for the Emporer's health Felix and Calliope, it was silent the Emporer had done nothing but stare at his daughter who seemed to simply keep her eyes closed with a smile "Claude, the weathers nice why don't we take a walk outside?" the sweet voice of the empress interrupted the silence as she and the Emporer conversed, Athanasia seemed once again distracted by the golden throne as she seemed to miss the fact her mother no longer stood beside her but her father the Emporer in the woman's sted 
as the little princess tugged on what she thought to be her mothers dress the cold voice of her father responded "What is it?" his voice caused Athy to snap out of her daydreaming before she was harshly picked up by the back of her dress she flailed her arms and struggled against the man's hold "Hold still your heavy enough as it is" he sighed "Your majesty, if you carry her like that you may cause the princess discomfort" advised Felix "she just needs to sit there and hold still whats there to be uncomfortable?" he questioned "I, I can't breath.." struggled Athy.

Felix delicately took the princess from the Emporers harsh hold and held her in his arms "Rather than that you should carry her like this, your majesty." he showed off "here please try holding her as I did just now" Athy quickly tightened her grip on the knight not wanting to be held by the Emporer she yelled, "I just want Felix to hold me!" a silent moment passed as the three adults stared at the princess or for Claude's case Felix "Ahem"

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