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Rapunzel, Rapunzel, 
Let down your hair

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your hair

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"Ah! Pardon me your majesties." Jennette quickly lowered herself into a bow "I was to forward. Blessing and glory upon the obelion empire" Jennette looked upon the royal family with sparkles in her eyes, while Claude stared back at the girl with an indifferent look, Athy couldn't help but gaze at her half-sister with a fearful look "I had only just realized that I lost it. thank you for returning it to me" the beautiful blonde princess quickly rushed over to delicately grab her lost ribbon "It's my pleasure" responded the older teen smiling brightly ignoring the intense stare the Emporer was sending her way "I haven't even introduced myself yet" suddenly something had clicked in his head the reasoning for why the girl looks just like Calliope
"My name is Jennette Margarita" she introduced herself, was she Calliope and Anastasius's child? Athy flinched and took an unnoticeable step back towards her father and further away from her half-sister "Margarita? so you're that child Alpheus has taken under his wing" Spoke Claude immediately Jennette brightened up in excitement turning to gaze up at the blonde Emporer she boldly asked, "have you heard of me before!?" it was if gold shimmered around the brunette she was on cloud 9 as she stared up hopefully at who she believed to be her father, she couldn't help but wonder if uncle Roger had told him about her, did he know? or would she have to wait longer to have the love she craved, yes she would, as Claude's cold gaze never wavered, causing her to slightly falter, she tried to come up with hundreds of reasons why the Emporer stared at her with such eyes, reasonings she could only hope weren't due to her specifically.

  "you're quite bold. is it because you were raised by Alpheus?" he questioned causing the girl to quickly apologize, had she angered him did she ruin everything just like her uncle had predicted, she didn't wish to hear Roger's yelling and insults "no need for apologies dear, but yes Roger has mentioned you multiple times, he's quite proud of you" spoke the Empress who now stood on Claude's left beside Athy, the warm smile on her face that was directed towards the young brunette calmed Jennette down as she refocused on the people surrounding her and forgot the demons in her head "Ah! really??" beamed the girl watching the empress with adoring eyes, Jennette's stomach felt as if millions of butterflies were fluttering their wings in there, it was if her smile was growing bigger every second she was around her biological family, even though physically it was impossible, she ignored the way Athanasia uncomfortably shifted from where she stood blocking Jennette from the Emporer's path, Athy couldn't possibly keep Jennette from Calliope she had no right but her father was something different, she didn't wish to lose the man or die by his hand "I see..." Athanasia turned to gaze at her father in alarm and confusion before she could question what he was talking about he spoke once again "Were leaving" he turned away from the group and headed towards the entrance where an impatient Dhanvanthri waited, Calliope followed his lead and began walking away after giving Jennette a short wave goodbye, leaving Athy to gaze at her sister in slight pity, why was she suddenly feeling bad just a few minutes ago she wanted nothing more than for Jennette to disappear and now she was taking pity on the confused girl who watched the Empress and Emporer as if they had placed the stars in the sky and created the earth.

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