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"I love you without knowing you, I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving when I am trapped inside"

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"I love you without knowing you, I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving when I am trapped inside"


The empress walked gracefully into the garden her worried expression had morphed into one of content as she saw her youngest child safe in the arms of Jennette magrita, "there is no need for you to bow" she gestured towards the girls to sit back down before turning towards her youngest daughter and caressing her cheek lovingly "Athy I hope you are enjoying yourself" Athanasia smiled brightly, nodding her head with a hum as she leaned into her mother touch, kissing the blonde's forehead Calliope than made her way over towards Jennette and Dhanvanthri, Jennette's heart was racing, she began to sweat and her hands became all clammy she feared that all the sweets she had eaten would reappear in front of her "Thank you for looking after Vanthri, I hope he didn't disturb you" Calliope smiled at Jennette ever so sweetly and Jennette found herself wondering how it would feel to be hugged by her, noticing Jennette's quietness Athanasia stepped up "Don't worry mama Vanthri wasn't bothering us, we were finishing up anyway" chirped Athanasia, softly holding her mothers hand in her own, Jennette's eyes darted between the two, lightly biting her lip she glanced away from the sight "Jennette Margarita correct?" questioned the Empress as she fondly gazed at the teenage girl who carefully held the dirty Dhavanthri on her lap, The young Brunette found herself speechless her mouth formed into a wide smile without ever intending, her cheeks blossomed into a rosy red "You remember me! I'm so glad" Jennette beamed up at the Empress in awe and if you looked closely enough you could see the small tears in the corner of the girls eyes, the empress laughed and to Janette it sounded like angel bells ringing "You were ever so sweet It'd be hard to forget you dear" Jennette wasn't sure if she wanted to scream in happiness or cry, it all felt like a dream, she was sure by the end of the day she'll have a bruise on her arm from how many times she's pinched it "I must get Dhanvanthri back to the palace now but it was lovely to see you Jennette" Calliope reached to pickup Dhanvanthri but the toddler quickly turned around and wrapped his arms around Jennette "No bath!" he cried holding onto the older girl for dear life the boy refused to open his eyes, Athanasia who had noticed the way the brunettes' mouth turned into a frown when their mother had mentioned leaving with Vanthri and felt bad for the older girl and decided to help her out "Mama, Dhavnathri seems to quite like Jennette perhaps she could go help you with him" suggested Athanasia, the blonde girl watched how Jennette's face brightened up at the idea and how the teen looked up at the empress full of hope and excitement, Athanasia didn't think she could bare to see the girl be rejected "Would you mind?" asked the Empress, Jennette shook her head no so fast she thought her head would fall right off her neck, "Noooo!" cried the toddler in her arms as the brunette got up to follow the empress making sure to tighten her grip on the prince ever so slightly that he wouldn't escape and yet it wouldn't hurt him "I'm sorry about this ever since Athanasia told Vanthri about her almost drowning he's been scared of water" Jennette turned to stare at the Empress shocked her mouth dropped open a bit as she scrambled to find her voice "She almost drowned!!" gasped the Brunette "I was quite shocked when I heard myself" Admitted the empress, Calliope had been quite upset at Claude when she found out about Athanasia's drowning incident, the emperor had gotten a good few beatings and shouting's for what he had done in the past, but he was working hard to correct them "Tell me Jennette do you have any hobbies" Jennette nodded happily "I quite enjoy sewing though I don't believe I am quite good at it....but I can play the piano well and uncle roger says I can sing nicely, and I suppose reading but uncle roger says that isn't a hobby..."

"why do you think your sewing is bad?"

"well I showed uncle roger one of the things I sewed and he said it was stupid and that I shouldn't waste my time on a waste of a talent..." Jennette's eyebrows scrunched in sadness as her lips curled into a frown as she thought back to that specific moment.

"Uncle Roger, Mrs. Alpheus what do you think!?" Jennette entered the couples sight In the dress she had spent weeks sewing, it was a light blue apron dress with a longer back that faded into a darker purple, little fake blue bell flowers had been embroidered at the top in a darker blue with the leaf's embroidered in a gold thread "That's it Jennette a dress?" questioned Mrs. Alpheus slapping her feather fan closed into her right hand "You are a princess Jennette how is subpar sewing going to advance you?" the woman snarled her lip in disgusts as she stared at the dress "Jennette you should be focusing on your studies so you may be at Princess Athanasia's level, not sewing stupid dresses" chastised Roger, the couple got up and once Mrs. Alpheus left Roger turned to stare back at the teenager, Jennette smiled thinking he was going to apologize and praise her but instead he said "Don't waste Important study time on a waste of talent" he shut the door leaving the girl all alone, to stare at herself in the mirror "is it really that bad..?" she asked herself outload the dress that she had loved so much just moments ago she now hated, suddenly all she could see were the dresses flaws and ugliness, she wanted to burn the dress and the memory of being so stupid as to think she could sew beautiful dresses like Aunt Rosalia, months later Jennette had been working on a embroidery of the royal family, it was quite large and she hoped to hang it in her room, once she had finished it she debated over showing it to uncle Roger or not...when she told him that she was embroidering she never specified how big and was nervous over the reaction she'd receive over it, gathering the large embroidery in her arms she carefully folded it and made her way to her brothers room "Ezekiel! Look what do you think?" But by the time she had unfolded the embroidery she had realized who else was in Ijekiel's room "Jennette what have I told you about about wasting time on useless work!?" The embroidery was snatched form her hands and she watched as it was taken out of view, Ijekiel sent her an apologetic look as he followed after his parent in order to try and persuade them to return the embroidery, it was later returned to Jennette and she was given a small lecture and apology but all her sewing supplies had been replaced with studying materials and that broke her heart.

A hand rested on Jennette's shoulder as Calliope leaned into the young girl to give her a side hug her Jennette began to lightly cry as her mother stroked her brown hair out of her face "I'm sure it was beautiful, talent takes practice" Calliope watched sadly as the girl smiled brightly tears still streaming down her face, Calliope cupped the girls face in her hands confusing Jennette greatly, Calliope gently brushed the tears away before placing a short kiss on the crown of the girls head "come once Dhavanthri is clean we'll get some tea and chat" the trio continued their walk toward the palace, and as they did Jennette's eyes glanced over into the distance where a strange abandoned palace caught her attention, covered in spiky vines and rotting flowers, Jennette found herself Wondering, what was that palace and why had it been abandoned.

I managed to finish the writing in one day so yay! I'd there are any mistakes it's because I'm to lazy to check, I will be editing soon so I'll probably fix any mistakes then, feel free to point them out have a good day.

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