🐫નҬҬન૮қ ଇก Ҭસ૯ ЪଇનҬ

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The night has slowly taken over Egypt. Numerous bright stars dance around the full moon. They give the dark blue sky a magical look. As if it was something from a fairytale.
The boat continues to glide through the crystal-clear water, as his passengers feast away the night. With every passing hour, they get louder, drunker, and stupider.
Ashley spends the past few hours, staring at the beautiful scenery. She can't understand that some idiots would rather spend their time fighting or gambling. This is probably one of the most beautiful things she has ever seen.
"Ash" yells Rick and beckons his finger as she looks at him. "I don't want you around those drunk bastards," says Rick. 
Before she can answer Rick simpers. His eyes landed on the annoying male in their companion. Jonathan... It takes a while before Jonathan looks up from the card game that he's playing with the group of Americans. Only then does he spot the O'Connell duo.
"Oh O'Connell, we could use another player" shouts Jonathan. "Hey, Darling" greets the American and blinks at Ashley. He fast looks away after getting a dirty look from Rick.
"Yeah, well I only gamble with my life, never with my money" answers Rick after which Ashley pats him.
"Never" answers Daniels. "What If I say that I bet ya for 500 dollars that we can get to Hamunaptra before you," Rick answers Daniels his cocky look. "Yer on," says Rick Soft." You're looking for Hamunaptra?"
"Damn straight we are" answers the cowboy. "Who says we are?" Rick looks angry at Jonathan while everyone points at him. Jonathan sighs nervously. "Well" laughs Jonathan and looks at Ashley. "Feel free to help me out darling," he says.
"No, and besides, I'm not your darling" grunts Ashley. The Americans and Rick laugh out loud. "You are a spicy one hey" yells Daniels. "Handful to have" blinks Burns. Before Rick can answer him, Ashley rolls her eyes and walks away from the gambling boys.
"Rednecks "she grunts and walks over to the camels. A camel bumps his nose into her forearm.
"You want some cuddles "she whispers and strokes his nose. "I bet you are friendlier than those hillbillies, "she jokes."Gentle creatures "speaks the caretaker. Ashley smiles.
A loud thud makes her head turn backward. She should have known that it was just Rick his bad-mannered behavior.  Just as she wants to put her attention back on the kind camel, a question from Evelyn peeks her attention.
"Are we going into battle?" Gently she turns her head, anxiously waiting for Rick's answer. Rick never tells her anything. Hamunaptra, better called; the city of the dead, always seemed like a fairy tale to Ashley. A ghost story, as it were. But now with Rick's strange behavior, and the distrust that lies in his eyes, all the Americans are looking for the same thing...She begins to question her beliefs... What if the stories are true? What if it's like they say ... Cursed? Don't be stupid, Ashley, she sighs and strokes the camel's neck. Curses aren't real. There is no such thing as cursed lands or ghosts ... right? Haunted by her own thoughts she walks towards her cabin.
The night only gets darker as time slowly ticks away.
While some are too curious about the desert secrets, most of the passengers have fallen asleep. The ship silently glides through the dark water.
Peace has returned on the river. Only the sound of singing crickets and howling owls is heard.
But the relaxing night cannot give Ashley any sleep. She twists and turns between her blankets. Her head, filled with deep thoughts and worry keep her awake.
Ashley shakes her head, questioning the repetitive sounds in her head. "Do I miss something?" What if she's not the only one missing something? What isn't Rick telling her? What really happened that day ... What did he see? What is he not telling?
She sighs deeply as she puts the light back on. With a swift movement, she brushes her hair away from her face. She tries to calm herself with the soft sounds of the creaking ship but something keeps her awake.
Just when she wants to give up on her intuition, a loud scream, colored by panic, reaches her ears.
Her heart bounces in her troth.
What the hell was that? The Americans? There is a loud thud in the hallway. Rick his loud voice sounds;
"Evelyn". Definitely not the Americans! Unsure what to do she puts her jacket back on. The sound of gunfire echoed right out of her door.
Afraid she opens the door, not sure what to expect.
"Rick" she shouts. Passengers run towards the deck. "Rick" she shouts again and rushes out. Part of the passengers jumps overboard, abandoning all hope while a small group of passengers defend themself against the heavily armed men who attacked them in the midst of the night.
Rick his voice takes her attention away from the black-robed men. 
"Ash" he repeats. He leads her and Evelyn to a corner of the deck. "Who are these people" asks Evelyn. "What's going on?" "I don't know" Rick answers as he hands Ashley his weapon bag.
Frightened Evelyn hides behind Rick as if he were a protective shield. Her eyes betrayed her fear.
A shower of bullets pierces above their heads. Flames hungrily lick the wooden riverboat.
Thick smoke fills the air. Suddenly Ashley notices how surprisingly calm Rick stays under all of this.
Nervously Evelyn looks up at Rick. He reloads his guns very peacefully. Every bullet that burrows into the wood above him makes Evelyn jump. Rick his eyes open wide as Evelyn panics and takes a stronghold of his shoulder strap. He lowers his eyes towards her and clicks his two pistols.
Without a word he steps behind the corner, shooting and blasting, making way for Ashley and Evelyn.
Instinctively Ashley dodges a hail of bullets. She drops with a thud to the ground. Evelyn shouts, sick with worry. Scanning the area for Rick his bag, she tries to get up. Grunting she crawls on hands and knees towards the dark green duffel bag. "Ash" roars Rick, his eyes burning on her. A man sneaking up on Ashley gets shot by Rick. "Go, I'll be right behind you" she shouts. Rick swears and shoots around as he walks backward, trying his best not to get shot. Ashley pulls on the bag  his leather handle. A man roars loudly: "Argghhh" as he attacks Ashley with his scimitar. Grunting Ashley rolls away. She curses as she spots the bag which only landed further away from her again.
"Oh, come on" she huffs and ducks away for another attack from the same man. While she crawls closer to the bag, the man, dressed in black robes, grabs her ankle. The warm wood reddens her face. The approaching flames scorched her forearm. Clenching her teeth on each other she uses her other leg to plant a high kick on the man his nostrils. While the man steps back, dazed by the attack, Ashley kicks his stomach and throat punches him. Fueled by adrenaline she finally gets a hold of the bag and finds Rick. Rick hastily takes the bag from her. "What the hell is this Rick" Ashley shouts over the gunfire noise.
"There's no time to be mad" he says and lifts his little sister in his arms. Before she can protest, he throws her into the cold river water. 
Puffing Ashley lifts her head above the water. The freshwater pricks inside her nose. As she tries to place what just happened, she takes another deep breath.
"Rick you jerk" she howls. Screaming she dives backward as a cold hand takes a grip of her arm.  Evelyn's voice calms her down immediately. "This way," she says and swims hastily away from the sinking wreck. Ashley looks at the burning ship. "Rick" she yells. A loud splashing near her pulls her attention. Relieved she takes a breath when Rick his face appears above the water.
"Jerk" she swears. Rick grins amused.
"At your service," he answers. Angrily Ashley glares at him. She splashes water at him.
"Hey, didn't I say I would protect you" he teases. Without an answer, she swims towards Evelyn. "What I said," he asks not understanding.
Accompanied by Evelyn Ashley steps onto the riverbank. With a cough she watches the last remains of the wreckage disappear under the water, not listening to Evelyn her ramblings. "We've lost everything, all of our clothes, tools, all the stuff, all my clothes,".
"O Connell" sounds loud. Rick and Ashley slowly turn toward the hoarse voice. "Looks to me like I have all the horses", Benni shouts loudly. Rick grins. "Hey Benni, looks to me like you are on the wrong side of the river" Rick replies loudly. Ashley turns to Rick. Jonathan sighs and pats Ashley on the shoulder. Ashley slowly looks at him before following Rick. She notices again how calm he stays under all this. Why? It almost seems like this is not unnatural to him ...
"Who were those guys? And why did they attack us?"
"Good question ma'am," says Jonathan. Rick looks at Ashley. He sighs deeply. "Look Ash, I have no idea. I don't know them. I've never seen them before. They were looking for the map. That's all I know. It must mean that this map ... can lead to more than We think. More than we want, "he adds softly before walking on. Ashley sighs and looks at the full moon. Maybe they shouldn't follow the map ... All Ashley's intuitions warn her against ... The Map ... This place ... Whatever is at the bottom of the map ... It can't be good ..

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