🐫"іறસଇҬ૯Ϸ" "іறસଇҬ૯Ϸ"

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Jonathan races his convertible through the busy streets. Ashley shivers softly as she sits between Rick and Evelyn. Rick looks at her. He wraps his arm around her. "I heard you said my girls" jokes Evelyn. Rick looks at her.
"Oh yeah. How could you know" he scoffs and hits the back of Jonathan his head. "Awh, I didn't mate," he says. Rick rolls his eyes. "Yeah it was a figure of speech you know."
"I think you were jealous" jokes Evelyn. "Seriously, why, did you see his face?" answers Rick offended.
Daniels leans forward from the backseat filled with fear. "Come on faster! We gotta do something. We gotta do something. Now before it is too late! Shut up you two and do something" he shouts nervous.
Ashley takes his hand comforting. "I won't let them rape you don't worry" she blinks. Daniels scoffs and smiles eventually. "Thanks blondie" he says. Ashley snorts and let's go of his hand. A full moon shines down on the Bazaar while they run into the museum. Suddenly a breeze kicks in. Green mist begins to swirl down the streets and into the stalls. The people begin to choke and cough as if they are being hit by severe sickness. It is already too late!
Imhotep strolls through the sickened mob, his face half-rotten off. His mouth, deformed and grinning happily. Benni is at his side, looking nervous.
And then one, by one the people silent begin to follow him. Their skin is now covered with disgusting-looking boils and sores.
As promised Ardeth and the curator are waiting at the museum. "It's time" says the curator.
Hastily Ashley follows Ardeth through the museum. With Rick and Jonathan close by her side. Followed by Evelyn, Daniels and the curator. "Last month I came across an inscription that mentions the book of death," says Evelyn.
"The book that we found by Hamunaptra," asks Ashley. "Look who is a smart blond" jokes Jonathan. He awkward walks away again after she gives him a warning look.
"Yes, I dismissed it because it talked about bringing people back from the dead. A notion I was unwilling to believe" Evelyn sighs. "Me too" sighs Ashley. "Believe it, sister. That is what brought our buddy back to life" sighs Rick.
"And now he is going to use it to bring his girlfriend back to life," says Jonathan. "What I said," he asks when everyone except Ashley stops to look angry at him. "Sst," says Rick and places his finger before his lips. He slowly motions towards Ashley who saddened and worriedly looks towards the floor. "Oh" mumbles Jonathan. "Right. Sorry bout that!" "The plagues we have seen so far are merely Imhotep flexing his muscles. Only at the moment of Anck Su Namun her resurrection he will be truly invincible" says the curator. Ashley looks at the display cases before Evelyn opens them. "I am thinking that if the black book of death can bring people back to live" she starts and walks hastily past Ardeth, almost bumping him on the floor. "Then perhaps the golden book of life can bring them back to the underworld," says Ashley.
Rick looks impressed at her. "What? I've been reading and studying" she says blushing. Rick smirks. "That's my girl" he whispers and kisses her forehead. "Exactly," says Evelyn.
"So you are saying if we find a book made of gold" begins Rick. "We are rich" interrupts Jonathan. "Oh Sorry," he says when once again, everyone turns an angry look towards him.
"We have to read the sacred incantations contained inside it" whispers the curator. "You think it will send this guy back to hell," asks Rick. "Correct and that's when," says the curator. Before he can finish a loud chanting is heard from the outside. They all rush over to the upper windows and look down. A large crowd, hypnotic saying Imhotep all over, again and again, covered in boils and sores.
"It has begun, the beginning of the end" says Ardeth. "Cozy guy to hang out with huh" jokes Jonathan. "Not quite, yet it hasn't," says Evelyn. "Come on" says Rick and leads Ashley behind them. Evelyn dashes back to the display cases, followed by everyone. The crazed mob crashes into the huge front doors which are locked. They pound furiously throwing themselves at it while constantly chanting. Imhotep solemnly comes up the driveway.
Nervous Ashley looks backward as the banging of the doors sounds louder and louder. Evelyn pulls a large piece of a stone tablet from the table. "I got it" she shouts.
"Got what," asks Rick. Multiple windows shatter. Ashley takes afraid a step backward and bumps into Ardeth. "Sorry," she says. Ardeth just smiles. "Since the black book of the death was found inside the statue of Anubis, then according to this the golden book of life should be inside." Evelyn smiles. "What," asks Rick.
"What is it" asks Jonathan. "Come on," says Daniels. "The golden book of the living is inside the statue of Koz-Us." "Koz who" asks Jonathan. "Kos is" says Rick. "Koz oes" correct Ashley. "No Koz-Us, and that shouldn't be located too far from the Anubis statue," says the curator. "Don't tell me we gotta go back there" groans Rick. "If we want to kill the creature yes" corrects the curator. "And save your sister," says Ardeth. Rick sighs.
Ashley screams and dodges away for two-man covered in boils. Rick and Ardeth grab them and throw them over the balcony. The man fly through the air and crash into the lower display cases. The front door suddenly bursts open. The crazy mob pours into the museum. "Come on" yells Rick and pulls Ashley closer while he hauls over the staircase. "Where are we going," asks Daniels.
"Get that damn book" grumbles Rick and looks at Jonathan who hastily stops the car in front of them. "Jonathan you genius" he laughs and helps Ashley in the car. Ashley looks at Benni who steps out of the museum. A playful laugh rests on his lips. "Imhotep! Imhotep!!" he yells. Imhotep looks over the balcony from the shattered upper windows just as the convertible pulls out. Rick points a finger at Benni when they pass him. "You are going to get yours pal" he roars. Imhotep unhinges his jaw. His mouth stretches to an inhumane size, and he lets out a terrible pitching shriek. His disease-infected slaves obediently begin pouring out of the front doors of the museum and start chasing after the car. "Eh Rick" shrieks Ashley. Rick turns and groans. "Step it up Jon" The convertible hauls' ass down the narrow bazaar streets. Crazies start jumping out of stalls and leaping onto the car. Rick and Ardeth fight them off together with Daniels, throwing them overboard. More people jump on. Jonathan swerves the car, crashes through stalls, knocking them off but freaks open the back door and grab Daniels.
"O'Connel" he screams. Ashley grabs his hand and tries to pull him back into the car. The mob is too strong. They pull Ashley with him. "Ash" yells Rick. "Ash no" he yells. Ashley groans and falls with a hard thud out of the car. "Ahh," she screams and rolls over the pavement. Daniels moans. He tumbles, pulls his gun, and starts shooting. His gun clicks. "Ashley" he shouts and looks at the girl laying on the floor. Her head spins. Blurry images play before her eyes. "Rick" she moans softly. The mob stays back before them looking like vultures.
Daniels eyes are filled with fear while he moves closer with Ashley.
"Forgive me," he says. Ashley holds her head into her hands. She groans and wipes the blood from her forehead. The mob parts like the Red Sea while Imhotep walks slowly towards them. Daniels whimpers in fear. Tears stream over his jaws. He pulls Ashley against him and looks trembling at Imhotep. "Stay back! I swear I will kill her! Stay back!!" Imhotep smirks. "Daniels" whispers Ashley still blurry from the hard bounce. "Sorry" he whispers in her ear. Then he gets an idea. He takes a canopy jar out of his pocket. Imhotep takes the jar and smiles wider. Daniels grins. Thinking he is spared. He takes a step backward.
Imhotep takes a step forward. "No" yells Daniel and drops Ashley on the floor in fear. "Ahh" grunts Ashley and once again falls on the floor. A strong hand grabs her arms and yanks her away. "No" she screams. "Ssht" soothes Ardeth and lifts her in his arms. Ashley sighs and lets her head fall against his chest. Strangely she feels so safe right now.
For a moment her booming head blackens out. "Ashley" she hears Ardeth his voice. He gently rubs her head. "She bumped her head, hard. Might have a concussion" she hears. Her disturbed mind can't even recognize the curator his voice. "Ghoul" she hears then suddenly. She opens her eyes abruptly. "AAhhhh"!! Jonathan and Evelyn scream while a dark ghoul shadow crashes through the front window. Jonathan hits the gas, loses control and the car slams into the wall. "Ash" shouts Rick and pulls Ashley up. "Rick" she mumbles. "Ash, you are going to be okay" he whispers. "C'mon lets go" he shouts and grabs Evelyn with him. Hastily they leap out of the car but the angry mob surrounds them fast. Rick quickly puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a stick of dynamite.
"You have a fire" he asks Jonathan. Afraid he shakes his head. Rick looks around for a way to light it. He reaches over and strikes it across Ardeth his stubbly face. Ardeth yelps while him and Ashley look offended at Rick.
"What" he says. The mob stares insane at them with bloodshot eyes. And all of a sudden Imhotep steps through. As young and gorgeous as the day he was buried alive. Evelyn and Ashley stare at him. "Oh my" whispers Evelyn. "He is gorgeous" says Ashley. Rick gives her a look. The match burns his fingers. He yelps and drops it. He grabs another match and lights it once more against Ardeth his face. Ardeth yelps again and gives him a look to kill. Hastily Ashley grabs Ardeth his arm to hold him back from doing so. The curator shakes his head.
"He has consummated the curse and now all he needs to do is raise Anck Su Namun from the death. Then it will be the end of us. And the beginning for them" says the curator and looks at Rick and Ardeth who stare angry in each other's eyes. "And all you two can do is gibberish and fight amongs each other to prove who is the coolest." Ashley slaps rick his upper arms. Rick sighs and rolls his eyes. Imhotep moves forward reaching out to them. He stretches his arms. With this movement both Rick and Ardeth fly to the wall, leaving Ashley out alone and defensles. Hastily Evelyn runs to her and grabs her arms. Rick lights the fuse. Imhotep walks up to Rick and watches it burn. It is a game of chicken. The lit fuse is about to vanish inside the dynamite, blowing them all up. Then Evelyn leans forward and blows it out. Rick exhales but keeps his eyes on Imhotep. Imhotep extands his hand to Ashley. "No" shouts Rick and jumps before her. "Koontash dai na" speaks Imhotep. Benni walks grinning next to him. "Take his hand and he will spare the others" Benni translates. "No, please prince Imhotep" begins Evelyn. "She is just a child. I am the one who read the book. I am the one who should take your hand."
"What are you doing" asks Rick strict. Ashley looks shocked to Evelyn. "Evelyn" she begins but Evelyn steps forward. She looks at Rick. "Any bright ideas?" Rick talks through angry grit teeth. "Sorry fresh out."
Ashley looks at the angry mob with axes and pitchforkes ready to lynch them. She steps forward to Imhotep. Then starts to reach out. "Ho" shout Rick and Ardeth and hastily hold her. "Evie" yells Jonathan when she sees that she took Imhotep his hand. Jonathan and Rick wants to jump forward to hold Evelyn but Ardeth grabs them both, placing himself before Ashley. "Don't do it Evelyn" says Rick. Ashley feels suddenly so safe. Its strange. Ardeth his strong back before her makes her feel protected, safe. Warm...
"I glady take the place of Ashley Rick. If it means that she doesn't have to go through this. Just do as we said okay. " "Evelyn" shrieks Ashley and peeks from behind Ardeth. "I have no choise" Evelyn says. "I won't let him take you. I made a promise in the museum remember Rick." Rick sighs. Imhotep his hand closes round Evelyn. He smiles.
"Keetah mi pharos aja nilo isirlan" imhotep says. "Come with me my princes it is time to make you mine forever" Benni translates. Evelyn gives Benni a nasty look. "Al eternity idiot" she corrects him. She then looks at Rick who puts up his best face, still holded by Ardeth.
"You better think of something because if I am turning in a mummy, you are the first one I come after." Rick almost smiles. "You got guts lady" he says. "Yes I know and I like to keep them." Imhotep suddenly notices something. He reaches forward and rips the key out of Jonathan his pocket. "Hey that is mine" protests Jonathan. The curator holds Jonathan back. Imhotep pulls Evelyn away with him. Rick can't take it anymore he tries to break free out of Ardeth his grip. "Evelyn" yells Rick.
"Be calm, there is still time. We can stop him" says Ardeth. "It was this or your sister" the currator says. Ashley swallows. Imhoteph stops and looks at the crowd. "Pared oos" he says. "No" yells Evelyn while Benni grins. "Kill them" he says. "Evelyn" roars Rick again but the rabid vultures are already moving for the kill. Rick quickly bends down, pulls open a cistern cover and shoves Jonathan down inside.
"Watch her" he orders and helps Ashley down the hole. He jumps in behind them. The currator pushes Ardeth to the cistern. "Go, find a way, kill the creature!" The curator turns himself to the mob. "No" yells Ardeth. He wants to climb out again but Rick holds him. "Come on" he says. Ardeth crawls down and closes the lit while the currator gets ripped apart by the mob.

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