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Nervously Ashley looks around. She walks closely between Rick and Ardeth who are both carrying torches. Jonathan whimpers, every step they take while they make their way down a long narrow staircase. "Okay now how the hell does this Horris guy look like," asks Rick. "He's a big fellow with pointy ears and a face like a falcon," says Jonathan. "Got it" answers Rick soft. They are heading into the necropolis. A passageway to the bowels of hell.
"Here" says Rick and hands Ashley his torch. Ardeth places his torch deep in the sandy ground. They start digging out a collapsed doorway.
"Good busy," says Jonathan and steps next to Ashley. "But faster. Come on. You really have to put your backs into it." Rick and Ardeth stand annoyed up and look at him. Ashley pats against his chest.
Pretending like it really did hurt, he takes a step backwards away from the gazing eyes of Ardeth and Rick. He walks to a shining wall while the two of them continue. "I say, look at that" he whispers. "Look Ashley," he says and points to an Amethyst Scarab on the wall. Ashley inspects the jewel careful. "Don't touch it, it might be a trap" she says. Jonathan looks at her. "Pgg" he laughs. He tries to jiggle it free. "Don't say I didn't warn you" Ashley says. Jonathan looks her in the eye.
"You think it might be?" "It looks like a beautiful rich decoration if you ask me." "Very rich" Jonathan says. "You know, one day you are going to find something more important as gold... I hope" she smirks and walks back to see if Rick and Ardeth need some help. Jonathan lifts is shoulders and jiggles further. It comes loose in his hand.
Jonathan looks at the scarab in his palm. It starts to glow. And then something inside starts to wiggle. "Say gents! Come take a look at this!" he yells. Ashley rolls her eyes and takes a brick from Ardeth to throw away. The wiggling continues and then the scarab breaks free out of its cocoon. And instantly burrows into Jonathan his palm. Jonathan starts to freak out and scream. "What is it" yells Ashley and looks at him.
She grabs his hand and sees a shape moving towards his head under his skin. Rick rips the shirt from his body. The scarab is burrowing up his shoulder almost. "Hold him" he orders to Ardeth. Ardeth holds him tight on his shoulders while Ashley keeps his arm stretched. Rick takes his butterfly knife and snaps it open. "No" yells Jonathan. His eyes widen in terror as the knife passes in front of his face.
He screams louder while Rick cuts him open. Rick flickers the scarab on the floor. The scarab hits the floor and immediately starts scurrying back towards Jonathan. "No" yells Ashley, but it is too late. Rick shot the scarab. Rick looks at her not understanding. Ardeth closes his eyes knowing why she wanted to hold him. "Great, now they know already we are here" scoffs Ashley. Rick looks around.
"Oops," he says. Ashley pulls one eyebrow up and looks at him. "Oops?" Ardeth hands Ashley a piece of Jonathan his ripped open shirt." Hold still" she orders and mends his wound. "From now on do not touch anything" Rick orders. "I told you it was a trap" jokes Ashley. Jonathan rolls his eyes. "Not a damn thing. Keep your hands of the furniture okay" asks Rick. Jonathan nods. He swallows hard.
"Come on" orders Ardeth and gives Ashley his hand. She takes it and stands up. Jonathan reaches also for his hand, but Ardeth turns around and walks behind Ashley. Jonathan sighs and shakes his head. Rick smirks and reaches his hand towards Jonathan. Jonathan smiles a bit again and takes Rick his hand. "I say, Ardeth has a soft spot for little O" Connell." Rick looks at Jonathan. "I say he better watches his back," says Rick and follows Ardeth. Jonathan nods and walks behind Rick. He squeezes behind Ashley and Ardeth through a small crevice in a wall and drops on the floor of a dark chamber. He picks up his gunny sack and scans the room.
"Okay Ashley, this is the furthest you go." "What? No! Rick!" "Ash, I am not joking around. This shit is dangerous. We could all die. And I promised mom and dad the day they died that I would never put you in danger. In these past days, there isn't one day that you weren't in danger. I am done messing around." "I don't care what you promised, I didn't promise them anything. I am coming with you. I am not a little girl anymore Rick. " "Ash you will always be my little girl okay." "I am going. If you like it or not. You cannot lock me in a hotel room right now" smirks Ashley.
Something glitters behind Ashley. Rick looks at the shaft of light above him. Shooting through a small hole in the ceiling and stopping against a wall next to one of those mirror disks. Rick aims at them and fires his gun. "You really have to shoot at everything,"asks Ashley. Rick smirks. "It is easier." The bullet strikes the disk's pedestal spinning the mirror behind Ashley and wham! The shaft of the light hits the disk to another until the whole chamber is light up. "Oh my" begins Ashley.
"God" answers Jonathan and swallows greedily. It is an enormous treasure chamber. Filled to overflowing. Everything sparkles and shines. The wealth of Egypt. Everyone stands speechless.
"Rick" shrieks Ashley. Two mummified priests walk in. "Who the hell are these guys," asks Rick. "Priest. Imhotep priests" answers Ardeth and aims the gun. Rick pulls the elephant gun out of his gunny sack. "I never killed a priest before," he says. "Technically they are dead already," Ashley says and steps backwards. "They are evil, cursed. They matter not" says Ardeth. "Well okay then" answers Rick. Smoke and flame come out of his weapon as he shoots his gun and places himself protective before Ashley. He blasts one of the mummies. His torso gets blown clean off. Rick pumps the gun and hands his sack to Ashley. The huge spend cartridge flies through the air. He fires again. Blasts the other mummy.
Blows this one torso clean off as well. The two sets of legs keep walking towards them.
"Oh come one give me a break here" he sighs. The torso's start moving and crawling towards them. "Back" orders Rick and pushes Ashley forward. A dusty breeze blows into the chamber as Rick, Jonathan, Ashley and Ardeth back away from the mummy pieces. The floor where they were just standing suddenly starts to move. "Rick" yells Ashley and tries to hold her balance over the trembling pile of gold she stands on. Rick turns and reaches his hand towards her. Two more mummies slowly dig their way up out of the floor. Rick pulls Ashley towards him and catches her in his arms. More mummies come out of the wall and are crawling out of the piles of gold. Rick lifts the elephant gun. Ardeth stops him.
"My turn" he says. Opens up with the Lewis gun blasting the shit out of the mummies. They keep on coming. Even more now. Rick opens the fire with the elephant gun. Pumping and firing. He quickly hands Jonathan a 38 while they back away. The mummies follow them while they run as fast as possible through the passageway. "Fuck" screams Ashley as a strong mummy hand grabs the collar of her leather jacket. She tries to push the hand way.
"Ash" yells Rick. Hastily Ashley puts her jacket out and jumps over a hand that comes out of the floor to Rick. He grabs her and pushes her forward.
"This whole place is coming alive" shouts Rick. They race around a corner. More mummies. They race another corner. Even more mummies. Onward they come. They are boxing them in. Ardeth fires, but his gun goes empty. He looks at the mummy who is racing towards him. For a short time, he thinks deep. Then he lifts the gun and throws it against the mummy on his head. "That is also a way to use it," says Rick. "This way" shouts Ashley and runs into a small passageway. "Ash" yells Rick and follows her. Ardeth looks around in the small chamber. The lower half of a giant statue stands in the middle of the room. "There it is" yells Jonathan. "Smart girl," he says and pets her head like a puppy. A cold shiver runs over Ashley her spine and naked arms. The tank top is covered in sand and dirt. Just like her skinny jeans and black-white converse sneakers. She races to the down of the statue. "Hello Horrus old boy" greets Jonathan.
Rick looks back at the mummies coming downwards to them. He reaches into his gunny sack and pulls out dynamite. Ardeth taps him on the shoulder. "Allow me." Rick hands him the dynamite and the match then turns to look to the statue. Ardeth reaches forward and strikes the match over Rick his stubbly face. Rick yelps. Ardeth lights the dynamite and throws it. Rick looks angry at Ardeth. "Not so pleasant isn't it" jokes Ardeth. Ashley rolls her eyes and looks at the two boys who stare at each other in the eyes again. "Boys," she says. "Boys" she repeats and pushes herself between them. "We have more important things now as a 'who- is the toughest- contest" she groans. "Come on Rick" she says and pushes him away. Rick sighs and walks towards the statue. Jonathan and Rick dig away the seems of the secret compartment. "Ashley" says Ardeth and pushes her behind him. He spots another group of rotten mummies coming down the dark passageway. Rick looks up. "These guys just don't quit." Ardeth grabs the elephant gun and a handful of shells. "Keep digging" he yells. Ashley holds the shells for him hastily looking around. A skeleton hand burst out of the ground and grabs her ankle. Several more moldy hands grab her while Rick and Ardeth try to release her. One of the mummies violently shoves Rick away. Another grabs Jonathan by the throat and tries to strangle him. A third grabs the secret compartment and pulls hard. "An intense spray of acid sprays out. The steam hits all three mummies. They horribly scream while they melt. Ardeth helps Ashley up and looks around. He hastily turns and blasts away the mummies. Ashley and Jonathan pull the compartment. While rick shoots together with Ardeth Ashley pulls the lid of. She reaches inside and pulls a heavy lap of leather. She and Jonathan exchange nervous but excited looks. Then she reaches into the bag and slowly pulls out the solid gold book of the living. Golden light reflects on her face as she stares at it in wonder. For the first time Jonathan doesn't look to the book. To the gold. He looks to her. His eyes drops a bit as he notices how beautiful the light reflects on her face. A smile curls on his lips while he takes a moment to observe her innocent and pure look.
Surprised they look up again when the elephant gun goes empty. Ardeth takes it by the barrel and slings it at the closing mummies. "Save the girl, kill the creature" he says. "Ardeth" yells Ashley and jumps up. "Don't do it" she orders and takes his hand. "Take the dynamite. Do it." "I can't do it without you" she says. "You can, I trust you" he whispers. "I don't want too" she soft sniffers. Ardeth smiles and lifts her chin. He passionately kisses her lips and takes a step backwards. "Go, be safe" he says and disappears in the dark tunnel with some dynamite. Jonathan looks sad to Ashley. Heartbroken more. Ashley looks at her hand as tears stream out of her eyes. Rick takes her gently in his arm and leads her to the wall. "This is the last Dynamite" he says. "We better get lucky." Ashley sighs while Rick pushes her towards Jonathan. Jonathan places his arm around her. Her face shielded against his chest while Rick throws the last dynamite. The wall blows. The debris collapses. But now there is a hole for them to get out. Hastily he leads Ashley and Jonathan out of the little chambre.

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