ii. the hard part

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Now we are moving on to the part that people find the 'hardest' step in manifesting which is limiting beliefs and releasing yourself from your old thoughts and assumptions. You always have a choice in how you think and how you feel about things. It's so easy to blame others about how you feel and how you act (and most times rightfully so) but you ALWAYS have a choice in that, always. You can always choose not to react to things like your 3D (which I will be talking about later) and to take a deep breath and move on.

Funnily enough, I am not going to be debunking any limiting beliefs because there are just too many but think of it like this, your subconscious has no eyes it will believe anything that you tell it. So if you tell yourself that you need to do meditations, sigils, subliminals to manifest then you do (but in reality, you really don't have to!). You are in control of how easy or hard manifesting is. So now that you know that you create your own limiting beliefs, why don't you tell yourself that you can manifest effortlessly by just saying an affirmation?

i manifest everything with ease. once i declare it, it is done.

You are limitless! Why would you believe anything that strives to LIMIT you?

How do I deal with limiting beliefs?
Whenever you say that you can't do something while manifesting, ask why? Then ask again, does that belief make it easier or harder for you to manifest? If it makes it harder then drop it!


Your past thoughts and assumptions form your reality as of right now. Your thoughts of right now are forming your new 3D reality and that could change at any second so KEEP PERSISTING. Also, you can control your thoughts as well! When you observe your thoughts and recognise your assumptions, you can work and easily change them by creating and persisting in new assumptions.

I used to never to be able to lose or gain weight because I would be constantly thinking about how it was so hard to lose weight and how no matter how much I worked out I would stay the same weight. I was unknowingly affirming this into my
reality and it was forming in 3D. Now I am able to lose 5kg in a few weeks because I formed new assumptions about myself and my body. I now told myself that I constantly lost weight no matter what I ate and that my metabolism was too fast.

So you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are NOT definite. You would never say "I AM thoughts", you would say "I HAVE thoughts" and you have the power to change them and control them. Once you control your thoughts, you control reality and how you perceive it and yourself. Your thoughts, texts, words, writings etc are affirmations and they are very very powerful. Once you gain control of them, you become very powerful.

You need to realise that you are constantly affirming 24/7 whether you are actively doing it or not and those affirmations form your 3D.

exercise for regaining power over your thoughts:
so you need to sit in silence for about five minutes (or more) and just let your mind race. disconnect yourself from your mind for a second. pick out the first doubt or negative thought that comes up.

Ask yourself: Why do I feel this way? (Past assumptions, parents, circumstances etc)
Once you come up with an answer then ask: How does this thought benefit me? (It doesn't)

Now that you become aware of the power that you have over your mind and affirm against that doubt like, for example, if your negative thought was "I'll never succeed" then combat it with "I am always successful in everything I do, everything goes my way"


Affirming is as easy as 1,2,3.

make sure your affirmations cater to your specific desire and figure out what you want!

since this is the law of assumption, you need to act as if it is already a fact. so the best way to do affirmations is present tense! i recommend having three solid affirmations for your desire that consist of:
i am ______
i feel ______
i have ______

consistency is not contradicting your affirmations. don't affirm in your head and then deny out loud, on text, in writing etc because that is affirming in vain. it doesn't help.
persistency is affirming through doubts, the 3D and circumstances. keep persisting, do not let something as silly and changeable as the 3D ruin things for you.

𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄: manifest with easeWhere stories live. Discover now