Chapter 17✨🤍

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Soo this has been a tough week over the final aot chapter...... anyways here's the new chapter! Dw I won't pull a isayama on you guys hehe.


~3 days to the tifari~

You've been traveling on your way to the royal capital for a couple days now and you just have a couple days left before you exterminate the royals and aristocrats.

You just set up your tent and put your thing inside until a sudden dizziness took over you.

This isn't like the seizures though. It's different. You're probably just blacking out because your tired because of how much you walked. 

Then suddenly black spots started appearing and you fell to the ground.

"The reward I want is your family" you heard. 'What the hell? Where am I? ' you thought.

"Nice of you to join us, y/n" the same voice said. "Y/n? What does y/n have to do with this?" A very familiar voice said.

'Is that Emma?' You thought. "Yes. It is Emma." The weird voice said. "How the hell-" you started but were cut off.

"Y/n?! How are you here-?!" Emma asked. "I don't know!! What even is this place?!" You asked. "This is the seven walls." This weird demon guy said and your eyes widened.

"No no no no. This can't be the seven walls. Where even are Josie and Ray?" You said. "Y/'s true. This is the seven walls." Emma said.

"B-but, how am I here? I didn't come with you guys." You said. "I-..don't know. I'm sorry... but we're making the promise right now!" She said.

"I summoned you y/n. I want to do something and I need y/n with it so I summoned you. You can ask for whatever you want in return with the promise." The guy said.

"Oh. Um okay." You said still trying to process what's happening. "Anyways let me continue. The reward I want is your family. Your family is most important to you... so I want your family." He said and your eyes widened. The promise is literally about them getting to the human world so how does he want them?!

"Does that mean you want to kill and eat our family?" Emma asked calmly but you could tell she's scared.

"No." He said and you let out a breath you didn't even know you were letting in. "I can't kill you or your family, and I don't intend to." "Then..." you said. "But you'll say goodbye to your family. You'll never see them ever again. They'll be safe. But you won't be with them. Both of you." He explained.

"It's fine. As long as they're safe." You said and Emma agreed. "Good. Now, there's one thing you want to say. Right y/n?" The guy said. 

"How did you know...?" You asked. "Just say it." He said. "When we go to the human world then, everyone who went to lambda will be healthy again. No drugs in their system. Back to their normal height and no seizures. Including myself. If they go to the human world, they have to live long lives." You said.

(Don't skip that last part!) 

"Deal." He said then you suddenly woke up on your tent floor.

"What the hell just happened?!" You mumbled. "Probably a weird dream... I'll talk to Emma about this if the promise is actually made and she comes in time to stop us." You whispered to yourself.

~Back with Hayato~

'We found the cursed blood girl.... we found her boss!' Hayato thought. 

They then started conversing with Gilda and Don but Hayato was just too distracted to know what they were saying. 'Oh yeah I have to press the button 3 times!' He thought then pressed the button 3 times just like Jin told him to.

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