Chapter Nine

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A week and a half after Clay told George everything, he was the only thing on Clay's mind, Clay was laying flat on his back as the girl from the library moved her hands down his body and removed his shirt and kissed her way down him chest to his belt line, she unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his trousers. Clay was still laying there spaced out once again thinking of George, the girl stopped.

"why did you stop?" Clay asked looking down at her, "your not reacting" she said looking up at his, he could tell she was upset by this "i'm sorry i just don't think i'm in the mood" Clay said putting his shirt back on and pulled up his jeans, the girl picked up her stuff and ran out of the house sobbing. Clay felt a little bad but it was nothing compared to what he had felt the week before, Clay laid back down on his bed and pulled out his phone and opened instagram for the first time in a week and a half, the first picture that showed was George, in a skirt, on his knees.

Clay could feel himself being quite excited about this picture and he said quietly to himself "holy shit, he looks fucking hot" Clay realized something, he had just been turned on by a guy and he didn't feel uncomfortable, he needed to see George but, there was a slight problem, Clay finished the job before going out to his car.

Clay got into his car and drove to a park near George's house, he picked up his phone and tapped on George's contact, he does want to talk to you, you need to decide first, girls? hot guys? hot, do you like both or one more than the other? both definitely both "holy shit" Clay said picking up his phone to call Wilbur, "Hey, what do you need?" Wilbur said obviously still annoyed at Clay for what he did "I- I think i'm bisexual" Clay said to Wilbur "As pissed off as i am with you right now, i'm proud of you man" Wilbur said slightly surprised at what Clay had just said to him. "I want to be with George i don't know how to fix this" Clay said, "wait i have an idea do you think you could get him to see me?" Clay asked Wilbur hoping he would help him "what's your idea and i might be able to" Wilbur said, Clay explained his plan to Wilbur "that could work, i'll meet him at a diner later and try and talk him into it but i'm not gonna force him if he says no i'm out okay?" Wilbur said not wanting to loose his new friend "okay, thank you will" Clay said hanging up the phone and driving off to get stuff to try and win George back.

Hey man, how do you feel about trying this diner with me?
4:32 pm

Sure! what's it called?
4:33 pm
Bella something? Bella Norte i think, it's new it sounds nice i thought you might like it.

Sounds good, pick me up in 5?
4:45 pm
yep! see you then

Wilbur got in his car and drove over to George's house, George got into his car and they drove to the new diner. The place was beautiful the outside was decorated with twinkling fairy lights and flowers of every color.

They walked into the restaurant which was playing music quietly

Writers note: guess what song, i'll give you a clue, 'middle of june'

They were seated at a table and they ordered their food, they spoke and shared a few laughs, when their food arrived, Wilbur finally said "hey um, have you spoken to Clay since you guys you know" Wilbur asked awkwardly staring at his food, "no i haven't" George replied his eyes were darting around the table, this was another thing he did when he was nervous "maybe you should, let his explain everything?" Wilbur said gaining eye contact with George to calm him down, "what? no! he hurt me so bad and you know that you were there." George said shocked that Wilbur would say such a thing he was supposed to be on George's side in this, Wilbur must've read George's mind "listen i'm 100% on your side in this, he was a proper dick, but did you actually let him explain everything" Wilbur asked George "well no, he didn't need to" George said, ashamed because he knew there could've been more to the story, "i mean i wouldn't be to sure about it , if Technoblade was involved there's definitely more to it than what you let Clay explain" Wilbur said taking the final bite of his food, "can you jus take me home please" George said throwing down $5 on the table to pay for his half of the food. Wilbur gave the money to the waiter and they drove back to George's house in complete silence, no radio no conversation, nothing, George got out of the car and was just about to close the door when Wilbur said "just think about it" George closed the door and walked toward his house.

Wilbur picked up his phone and called Clay, "hey, what did he say?" Clay said hoping that Wilbur would say he said yes "well, he didn't say yes" Wilbur said "oh" Clay said sadly on the other end of the phone "-but he also didn't say no, i think he's confused, look man, i can't be a part of this anymore, i don't wanna be part of the reason if he gets hurt again" Wilbur said sorrowfully to Clay, "i understand, i'll take it from here"Clay said sounding half hopeful had sad. "i'm gonna go with my original idea i'll do it on Monday"Clay said "okay, i gotta go drive home, later" Wilbur said hanging up the phone.

What's Clay going to do?
What has he got planned?
what will George do?

That's the end of this chapter i'm sorry it was so short, to those who follow me on tiktok i have been banned from uploading till 20:05 tomorrow there will be and explanation up then, as always if you want regular updates on this story please do follow my instagram
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Hope you enjoyed this chapter thank you so much for the 1k views on this story it means so much honestly you guys are amazing love you all


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