9-super kawaii(love)

311 8 2

Naruto is Bold Italics

Sakura is Italics

The both of them is Underlined Bold Italics

Sasuke is Bold

Book reading is Underlined Italics

"Hi! I'm Sakura Haruno!"


"And we are here to promote our new book..."


"We have put together a book that explains clearly the language of our very own SASUKE UCHIHA!"

"And that's not all! The Book also includes the codes hidden in Sasuke-teme's facial expressions!"

"Along with Sasuke-kun's quotes and the translations of those quotes into human language!"

"As a sneak peak for instance here in the book it says..."

"Go Away Loser" is usually Sasuke's favorite saying. Even though the saying seems normal the truth is, it has more meaning to it than just to leave him alone. "Go Away Loser" is Sasuke's language of saying in human language "Leave me in peace so that I can spend time with my dear Sakura-Chan and so that I can express my love to her by secretly watching over her and killing any other man besides me and MAYBE Naruto who dares to go near her and even touch her. So piss off, or you'll blow my cover and she'll be so mad at me, she might not talk to me and I don't want that so 'Go Away Loser'.

"You see! Teme actually means what he says WITHIN what he says!"

"That's right! And now we will give you another sneak peak for here in the book it says as one of Sasuke-kun's favorite sayings..."

"Annoying" is usually a description that Sasuke will say to anyone. Although he mostly says it to Sakura it has always had a different meaning. Studies show that when Sasuke calls Sakura "Annoying" it immediately translates to, "Stop talking and kiss me already! Tell me you love me instead of lecturing me! Ok, I get it! I'm doing something wrong or I should've been more careful! I will be more careful next time now be quiet and marry me!" As you can see "Annoying" towards Sakura is more of a romantic type than the usual annoying he uses against someone like Naruto. For Naruto, "Annoying" means "Go away! You're blocking my view of Sakura!"

"As you all can see most of Sasuke's sayings and other stuff mostly have to do with Sakura! HAHAHA! First off that's because he's in LOVE with her and second they all have different meanings when they have nothing to do with Sakura! For instance in the book it says..."

"Dobe" is Sasuke's nickname for Naruto. Not only does it mean dead last it also means "I'll never leave you behind since you're dead last." Why is that? Simple. Let's say the case Sasuke calls Naruto "Dobe" as usual when Naruto screams about become Hokage. What he really means is, "I'll follow you every step of the way." And that is because...Sasuke thinks of Naruto as a brother. So when he ever says an insult towards Naruto it always translates to the exact opposite. Except for the saying "Annoying." (for translation on "Annoying" see verse 1,896).

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