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Sasuke had beacme experiencely abusive to sakura ...and he got her pregnant the past three day's when he was drunk he stopped from the abuse he stopped abusing her emotionaly mentaly even Physicaly sakura had handled it and she is glad he stopped after sakura got pregnant he only slap her and hurt her emotionaly and mentaly in fact the bloodish red moon month well end sooner so she is happy the bloody moon made Sasuke abusive after it well end she well be fine all she need to do is to stay paitcince and avoiding him she well be fine tho Sasuke didn't acctuely liked her avoiding him but it was the only decision she can made to get rid of trouble's all Her thoughts cut's off once she had heard the door slammed open the pinked certian kounichi looked over the reaven vampire and gave him her best smile Sasuke slammed the door harshly making sakura shivers in fear her eyes widen she knew what dose taht meant, he is drunk again Sasuke walked over to sakura how was sitting on the bed in the corner afraid,he smirked at her behavior raised her hand to slap her sakura quickly hold her hands close to her face trying to dodge his attack getting ready to be beaten up again but the werid thing is
There was no slap sound or mark its like the time had just froze she looked at sasuke in one eye's to see his face he was angred and hurt he was full of regret's he made his own wife fearing him shes scared of her own husband he became like his father its just reminds him of something a moment he regrte ever living a moment of him and his family the promis he promised to itachi he became like him he let the bloodish moon capture him

"Mama papaaa !" A small five year's old vampire boy walked happily from his room to his parent's room he was excited to show them the picture he drew for them he loved his parent's alot But they are always busy
They always busy dealing with thire businesses of the clan once he got there he saw his nii san uchiha itachi
The taller vampire uchiha was laying over the door
Behind the door there was hitting sound begging crying his mother voice was not soft it was crying and screaming for his father to stop hot tears were dorpping off his face to the ground Sasuke didn't understand what happened why was nii san crying
Sasuke hold his nii san leg trying to get his attention
Itachi looked over his confused little brother in pain he kneeled down and hugged his brother he whispered into hsi ears a promise he wanted him to promise him something
"Sasuke ...promise me you won't abuse you're wife when you're older okay ..." he didn't understood his brother word's yet he still promised him "I won't itachi nii san"

Sakura felt she was hold into Sasuke's embrace she felt him crying she could feel his hot tears running down to the bed like a river he broke the promise he promised to itachi he hurted his wife the only girl that loved him he almost hurted her in her pregnancy how stupid is he Sasuke well be abusive parent's to his children's he is dangerous to them "i-im sorry sakura I....I....Love you" she blinked for a moment then smiled softly at her husband with a ligth pink blush she was about to say 'I love you back anata' but her eye's widen once he continued "more than anything ...more than anyone in this world I won't let any bastard take YOU away from ME no one well take my wife and child away I'll kill them merciless ...slowly and painfuly I'll make them beg for mercy! Heh..hehe...AHAHAHAHA" he laughed instantly holding her close to her embrace sakura was afraid if what is he going to do she then felt she was knocked out into Sasuke's embrace and his soft arm's he was stroking her long her who was hiding her beautiful emarld eyes
He hodl her stomach brushing it carefully he don't want to hurt ethire of his wife and child the slepping sakura was laying into Sasuke's soft lap he brought One of her pink hair strands next to his lips he kissed it softly no .. that was not Sasuke it was his real self
he loved sakura obsessionly and he well not let her go ever

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