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"Wow sakura chan you look beautiful!" Experimented the blond idiot the the teenager hokage even if he is a teen he made konoha a real heaven Sasuke blushed harder while he saw his cormard wearing a light pink fluffy dress
For the anniversary of him and hinata they had been married for one year "what do you think teme?" Naruto said in a sly face he found out that sasuke had been in love with sakura while they were twelve year old
"Beautiful.." Sakura eye's widen and blushed at the though of someone thinking she is beautiful no one called her that unless they were harassing her sexuality Sakura put her pam at her pink lip covering her mouth "arigato sasuke" only sasuke she forgot the kun sasuke was disappointed
At that sakura moved on from sasuke because she got tired of waiting what is the point of loving someone that always busy and well never ever love you back
Its useless and stupid she was stupid to love someone that well never love her back and tried to kill her muplites of time sakura didnt noicted the party even started and people started to dance and drink
Sakura wanted to do something to make her forget all the pain and its to drink some water or juicey drink the emarld certain walked to the table and didnt realized she grapped alcohol sakura dranked the entire glass soon enough she felt dizzy what was going on here that all she thought she never drinked once before her whole life she realized she had drunk achocol instade of juice or water

Her mind feel like dying her leg couldn't even stand she felt sleepy and tired the pink certain walked and sat down laying her head at her hand ino noicted sakura been acting werid usually in parties she dance the whole time and celebrating but this time she just sat down laying her head at her hand the drunk yamanaka walked up to sakura and put her hand at the pinkie shoulder
"sakuraa..what's wrong" she said in a drunk tone even tho ino was drunk she can control herself "I...I think I accidentally drinked" Ino was taken back sakura never drink or was good at drinking she was horrible at drinking last time she drunked accidentally she ended up in the hospital she looked around to see who is not enjoying the party or anyone well take her home because she is sure Sakura don't want to ruin hinata and naruto anniversary
She then saw sasuke he never wanted to come because he had a mission and he hate parties yes he is the best choice
"Sasuke kun!" sasuke looked behind him hoped it was sakura who was saying his name but it was ino the blond yamanaka sasuke also noicted that sakura was not feeling good ethire

Sasuke walked up to ino and sakura seeing what was the problem ino just started at him then at sakura as a sigh
Sasuke noicted what ino meant he know the eye contact beacuse he spent his life using it it meant to take her to her apartment "please sasuke kun..we don't wanna ruin the part.." ino said in a puppy dog eye he didn't felt pitty for her but for sakura his love sasuke sighed at looked at ino
"fine I well take her to my apartment" sasuke said
"Why not to her apartment?" Ino asked
"I don't know where is it..and I have to go" he answered
Ino sighed and nodded her head as 'yes'

Sasuke hold sakura in a birdestyle way carrying her to his home sakura keept saying meaningless words and then she accidentally confessed she still love sasuke ,he smriked at her confession Once they arrived sasuke laid her gently down the bed sasuke took of his black cloak corving sakuda in it he gently hold sakura chin to him kissing her lip softly
Sakura was to drunk to care she just melted into the kiss sasuke then kissed her roughly not giving her a chance to break he hold both of her hand behind his neck sasuke wanted to feel sakura lip from twelve year old who would it taste like now he finally knew who it tasted like it was cherry sakura tried to push away from him sure she is drunk but she is still half in her rigth mind sasuke soon stopped kissing the short kounichi only for air breathing
"s..sasuke kun.." she was panting softly sakura voice was like a music to his ear's sasuke smirked at her
"Was this your first kiss?" He asked proudly knowing its her first kiss little dose he know he is not
"N..no.." he was shocked and grinned his teeth who else kissed his cherry then
"Who was it!?" He shouted sakura was shocked sasuke never shouted at anyone
"N..Naruto to save him.." sasuke still angry even is it to save naruto he well kill him later sasuke hold the drunk sakura to his embrace stroking her long pink hair and kissed it
"You're mine.."
She nodded

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