4. A New Beginning

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"You guys did amazing!" Sam squealed, pulling us each into her tight embrace as we tried to get our heads around what the fuck had actually just happened. We had just preformed to — by far — the biggest and most important audience we had each ever played to in our lives.

I mean, I know it's not exactly fair for me to say, but I honestly think that we smashed it. It was definitely our best performance yet. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that it had given me and the rest of the band a slight confidence boost and a small glimmer of hope.

"Excuse me," a strange mad suddenly interrupted, clearing his throat as he tapped Sam lightly on the shoulder. Sam released us each from her grip as she turned to face him in confusion.

"Yeah?" Sam simply questioned in response, straightening out her dress as she waited for him to continue.

"Tristan Banes," he introduced himself with a wide smile, holding out his hand as he waited for Sam to take it in her own. "Manager at 'Domino Recording Company' — or more specifically — of the 'The Arctic Monkeys'."

Holy shit.

"Samantha Hamilton," she returned, shaking his hand firmly. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr Banes," she said surprisingly confidently. I'm honestly shocked that she didn't loose her shit in that moment — I know that my heart was practically thumping out of my chest, that's for sure.

"I have to admit, I was impressed with the show you lot produced tonight," Tristan continued, nodding his head in approval as we each stood before him, filled with nerves, dying to hear if, or what, he was planning for us. "Me and the rest of the guys were impressed."

Despite being dressed exceptionally well and speaking awfully polite, the man stood before us didn't look intimidating at all. He didn't look too old — however he seemed a lot older than the five of us — and his expression was very serious, yet very friendly, at the same time.

"Why thank you, sir," Sam smiled gratefully in response. I couldn't help but notice that she had crossed the fingers on her right hand as she held it behind her back. We were all desperate for some luck, and this man seemed to be nothing but promising so far.

"Is there any chance i'd be able to snatch you lot for a bit?" he inquired. "My team and I are desperate to get you on board with 'Domino' before anybody else can try to steal your away," he added on.

"Could you just give me just a moment to have a word with my clients first?" Sam questioned, tightening her grip behind her back as she kept her fingers crossed in hope for something good to come out of this.

"Certainly," Tristan smiled friendlily. "Me and 'The Arctic Monkeys' are seated at table twelve," he stated. "If you decide to consider my offer, just pop over and we can talk business."

Sam simply waved him off as he exited the back stage to return to his table. I felt as though I was dreaming. It was like one of those moments where you just have to pinch yourself to make sure that you actually are awake and not stuck in some sort of fantasy.

"What. The. Fuck," Carter gasped in disbelief, an excited smile tugging at his lips.

"Can someone please tell me what just happened there?" Ella pleaded, also unable to stop herself from smiling uncontrollably.

"Did that guy honestly want to sign us?" Ross asked in amazement.

"Of course he did!" Sam beamed. "You guys fucking smashed it out there."

"I can't believe this," Ella stated. "We're gonna get signed!"

"Are we gonna go for it?" I questioned. "Do you not think we should wait it out and see what other offers we get first?"

Troubled - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now