008 ― The New Recruits

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2012 New York

HOLLAND STARK AND STEVE ROGERS have been spending a lot of time together for the last year. Since Holland is the only familiar person that Steve knows, she spent the last year catching Steve up on most things. Including what's been going on in the world. She told him that Howard and Maria were dead and that she has a nephew named Tony, but didn't tell him that she was a deadly assassin; she didn't know how well Steve would take it. And she didn't know if he would bring up Bucky; she knew that Bucky wouldn't be proud of what she is.

Sometimes she wasn't either.

She was sitting in her apartment when she got the call. "Go for Stark." She said.

"How soon can you get your nephew and come in?" Phil Coulson's voice came through the phone.

"Phil Coulson, is that any way to talk to your agency's founder?" Holland teased. Phil was one of her favorite agents, and she loved messing with him whenever he called her. "And you know that my nephew doesn't know I'm even alive... What threat is risking a family reunion?" She asked.

"A global one. Nick needs all hands on deck." Phil said.

"What's the issue?" Holland asked.

"Barton's compromised. The tesseract is involved," Phil said. Holland didn't need to hear any more than those two lines.

"You get my nephew and don't tell him about me. I have someone else in mind." She said, and then she hung up the phone before Coulson could respond. She knew exactly who she was going to recruit.



Steve Rogers was currently in a boxing gym taking everything out on a punching bag. He was thinking about the forties, what happened to Bucky, how he crashed the plane, thinking about Peggy, thinking about Holland, everything became so overwhelming that each punch got harder, harder, and harder until he punched the bag right off of its chains. It was perfect timing because that's when Holland walked inside. She watched Steve pick up another punching bag and hang it up. She knew she would find him here.

She was the one who showed him this place.

She always came here when she needed to let out her frustrations, especially after missions. Steve took a deep breath before punching on the new bag, and Holland decided she was quiet for long enough. "Are you having trouble sleeping too?" She asked. Steve looked over and smiled when he saw her brunette hair, first, immediately knowing who it was.

"I slept for 70 years, Holly. I think I've had my fill," Steve said, which made her laugh as she walked more into the gym and walked over to her friend.

"Have you done much sightseeing lately? You should." Holland said. Steve stopped punching the bag and looked at her knowing that his workout was now over since she was here. He walked over to his gym bag and started to unwrap his hands.

"When I went under, the world was at war. I wake up; you told me we won. But you left out what we lost." Steve said, and Holland sighed.

"Well, I can't say that America is perfect. And now those imperfections are seeming to catch up." She said, and then Steve noticed the file in her hands as he unwrapped his other hand.

"You here with a mission, Holls?" He asked.

"Yes," She said.

"Are you trying to get me back in the world?" He asked.

"Well, I have been trying to do that for the past year since you've woken up, but I figured this might be a little more your speed. Also, I'm trying to save the world." Holland said as she handed him the file. It was about the tesseract.

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