009 ― Secret Aunt

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2012 New York

HOLLAND FELT WEIRD being on another mission for the first time with Steve in nearly 70 years. She also felt hollow being on a mission with Steve, and Bucky wasn't with them. She was so used to doing missions independently and only having ⅔ of her partners here, it felt wrong. It made the brunette think back on the last time she, Steve, and Bucky were all together before a mission.



Holland Stark prepared her guns as she was getting ready for a HYDRA-based mission with Bucky and Steve. She had discovered a few months ago that the experimentation done on her with the tesseract had left her with powers she was learning to control. Then she heard a knock on the door, and when she turned around, Steve and Bucky were in the doorway.

"Two for the price of one? What did I do to deserve this?" She teased. Bucky shook his head as he walked into the room and grabbed her by the waist.

"Oh, there's no two for the price of one. You're mine, doll... and Steve knows that." Bucky said as he kissed her cheek, which made her laugh and Steve too.

"We just wanted to come to see how you're doing, ever since discovering, you know, you can summon and control fire with your mind," Steve said, and Holland laughed.

"Don't worry. I have no reason to use it on you. Look, I believe in you guys, and I believe in your mission. I have just as much reason to want to be rid of HYDRA, and at least, if we're all out there together, we can watch each other's backs instead of me sitting here worried about you two making it back alive." Holland said. Bucky kissed the top of her head and gently squeezed her waist.

"That's fair enough. And then after we all survive, we can have drinks on Steve." Bucky said.

"Why on me?" Steve asked.

"Duh, because you're Captain America, they'll definitely pour you rounds for free," Holland said, and Bucky nodded in agreement with her.

"Yeah, but you're a Stark. You've got the money." Steve said.

"Who needs money when you have Captain America? You're America's hero, Steve; the least they can do is give you as many free rounds as you want." Holland said.

"Except, this isn't America. We're in Europe," Steve said, and Holland rolled her eyes.

"Okay, smartass, they're our allies. We all have the same enemy. It's like Buck said drinks on you." Holland said, and Steve shook his head while rolling his eyes.

"Those two are unbelievable." Steve thought to himself, but since Holland had the powers of telepathy, she could hear him.

"Bucky, he thinks we're unbelievable and not in a good way," Holland said. Bucky shook his head as he looked at his friend, and Steve's eyes widened.

"Did you just...-" Holland cut him off.

"...-Read your mind? Yes. Another perk from the tesseract." Holland said, and Bucky chuckled as he shook his head.

"Remind me to never lie to you." He said. Holland turned around to be facing him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck before leaning in to kiss him.

"You never could, even if you tried, Sergeant."



Natasha, Steve, and Holland had all set out to capture Loki. Natasha and Holland were flying in one of the aircrafts while Steve was on the ground, already fighting with Loki. Natasha let out the aircraft's weaponry, and then she spoke over the PA.

"Loki... drop the weapon and stand down." She said. Loki aimed his staff at their aircraft, but Natasha moved them out of the way before the impact of the staff could hit them. And then Holland watched as Steve was sparring with him. She knew she should be down there since she can control fire and all. But Loki's a god; she didn't know how well it would do.

"The guy's all over the place," Holland commented.

"Agent Romanoff. Did you miss me?" Tony's Stark's voice came through her comms, and then he overrode their system, and they were now listening to a ridiculous rock song as Tony came flying in with his Iron Man suit.

It was now time for Holland to face the music, 40 years in the making.


After apprehending Loki, he was brought back on the aircraft, which Holland let Natasha take control of so she could greet her nephew. She hadn't seen him in a few years, but they checked in all of the time. As she walked over to him and Steve, she heard Tony say.

"What's your thing, pilates?" He asked, and Holland rolled her eyes.

"What?" Steve asked since he had never heard that term before.

"It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple of things doing time as a Capsicle." Tony said, and Holland rolled her eyes.

"Fury didn't tell me he was being called in," Steve said.

"There's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell people," Holland said.

"Yeah... like the fact that you're the Aunt I thought was dead?" Tony slightly snapped, and Holland's eyes widened.

"How did you...-" He cut her off.

"...-I got everyone's files last night, and I studied them all. Much to my surprise, when a file for 'Holland Stark' came up, and I thought to myself, 'Huh... Dad told me he had a sister named Holland but that she died shortly after the war,' now I see that was a lie." Tony said.

"Anthony... you haven't known about me all of these years, for your own safety, trust me," Holland said.

"How can I trust you? I don't even know you. Us sharing a last name doesn't mean anything." Tony slightly snapped. He was just hurt that he was lied to for so long because hearing stories about his aunt from his dad made him wish Holly was in his life.

"Don't talk to her like that." Steve came to her defense.

"Steve... it's okay. I knew when he finally found out about me; he'd be upset." Holland said.

"Oh, so you knew about me?" He asked.

"Of course, I've always known about you, Anthony. I was there the day you were born... I held you. I told you I love you, and then I had to go, only coming back occasionally when it was safe and before you were able to keep memories." Holland said.

"And what was too dangerous that you couldn't be in my life?" Tony asked. Holland sighed as she looked at him.

"Me..." The answer kind of stunned Tony to silence, but before he could respond to her, thunder and lightning hit, which kind of rocked the aircraft. Steve looked over at Loki, who had a nervous look on his face because he knew this storm wasn't occurring naturally.

His brother Thor was here.

"What's the matter? Are you scared of a little lightning?" Steve asked.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows," Loki said, and as if it was on cue, the aircraft shook as something landed on top of it. When Tony opened the doors, Thor came in, he hit Tony before Tony could blast him, and then he grabbed Loki by his neck and flew out of the aircraft.

Tony went after him, and then Steve went after them, and Holland looked at Natasha.

"What the hell are we going to do now?"


I was originally going to make Tony and Holland close and then I was like... no, let's do something different.

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