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I never had a happy life nor a happy childhood, no one would have ever thought that. No one knows that I hide all of the pain. All behind a big, bright, smile, that goes across my face.

A third-year in a volleyball club. Who's position got stolen from a first-year. I wait on the bench while he gets to play. I was fine giving up my position, but that was before I knew what it was like being on the bench. At least I'm not alone, I have the other second-years and a first-year who are also stuck on the bench.
I should have known. An incredible first-year would get my spot. I can be mad all I want, but I'll never get the spot I want back. I'll keep a smile on my face just so no one will know. A big, bright smile on my face just so no one will know.

I know it's short, also due to it not being an actual chapter just some background that will come up in the story. I hope it's okay being my first writen story on here.

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